Exact Match:
- hunger
- strong desire for something (not food or drink); "a thirst for knowledge"; "hunger for affection"
- a physiological need for food; the consequence of food deprivation
- feel the need to eat
- ache,
- an universal wolf,
- appetence,
- appetency,
- appetite,
- appetition,
- aspire after,
- be ravenous,
- break bread,
- canine appetite,
- cannibalism,
- carnivorism,
- carnivority,
- carnivorousness,
- chewing,
- consumption,
- count calories,
- covet,
- coveting,
- crave,
- crave after,
- craving,
- crawl after,
- cropping,
- cupidity,
- deglutition,
- desire,
- devouring,
- devourment,
- diet,
- dieting,
- dining,
- drought,
- dryness,
- eat,
- eating,
- emptiness,
- empty stomach,
- epulation,
- eye hungrily,
- fall to,
- famine,
- fare,
- feasting,
- feed,
- feeding,
- feel hungry,
- gluttony,
- gobbling,
- grazing,
- hanker,
- hanker after,
- hankering,
- have a tapeworm,
- herbivorism,
- herbivority,
- herbivorousness,
- hollow hunger,
- hunger after,
- hunger for,
- hungriness,
- ingestion,
- itch,
- itching,
- licking,
- longing,
- lust,
- lust after,
- manducation,
- mania,
- mastication,
- messing,
- munching,
- nibbling,
- nutrition,
- omnivorism,
- omnivorousness,
- omophagy,
- pant after,
- pantophagy,
- partake,
- partake of,
- pasture,
- pasturing,
- pecking,
- pine,
- pitch in,
- polydipsia,
- prurience,
- pruriency,
- raven,
- ravenousness,
- regalement,
- relish,
- relishing,
- rumination,
- run mad after,
- savor,
- savoring,
- sexual desire,
- sigh,
- starvation,
- starve,
- stomach,
- sweet tooth,
- take,
- tapeworm,
- taste,
- tasting,
- thirst,
- thirst after,
- thirst for,
- thirstiness,
- torment of Tantalus,
- vegetarianism,
- voraciousness,
- voracity,
- want,
- wolfing,
- yearn,
- yearning,
- yen