the superior one of two alternatives; "chose the better of the two"
a superior person having claim to precedence; "the common man has been kept in his place by his betters"
(comparative of `good') superior to another (of the same class or set or kind) in excellence or quality or desirability or suitability; more highly skilled than another; "You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din"; "a better coat"; "a better type of car"; "a suit with a better fit"; "a better chance of success"; "produced a better mousetrap"; "she's better in math than in history"
(comparative of `good') changed for the better in health or fitness; "her health is better now"; "I feel better"
more than half; "argued for the better part of an hour"
comparative of `well'; in a better or more excellent manner or more advantageously or attractively or to a greater degree etc.; "She had never sung better"; "a deed better left undone"; "better suited to the job"
from a position of superiority or authority; "father knows best"; "I know better."
get better; "The weather improved toward evening"
to make better; "The editor improved the manuscript with his changes"
surpass in excellence; "She bettered her own record"; "break a record"
the act of improving something (especially machinery) by raising it to a higher grade (as by adding or replacing components); "the power plant received a new upgrade"
hardware that provides better performance than an earlier version did
the property possessed by a slope or surface that rises
a reservation that is improved; "I got an upgrade to first class when coach class was full"
software that provides better performance than an earlier version did
to improve what was old or outdated; "I've upgraded my computer so I can run better software"; "The company upgraded their personnel"
give better travel conditions to; "The airline upgraded me when I arrived late and Coach Class was full"
get better travel conditions; "I upgraded to First Class when Coach Class was overbooked"
change a pawn for a king by advancing it to the eighth row, or change a checker piece for a more valuable piece by moving it the row closest to your opponent
be changed for a superior chess or checker piece
give a promotion to or assign to a higher position; "John was kicked upstairs when a replacement was hired"; "Women tend not to advance in the major law firms"; "I got promoted after many years of hard work"
contribute to the progress or growth of; "I am promoting the use of computers in the classroom"
make more precise or increase the discriminatory powers of; "refine a method of analysis"; "refine the constant in the equation"
attenuate or reduce in vigor, strength, or validity by polishing or purifying; "many valuable nutrients are refined out of the foods in our modern diet"
reduce to a fine, unmixed, or pure state; separate from extraneous matter or cleanse from impurities; "refine sugar"
treat or prepare so as to put in a usable condition; "refine paper stock"; "refine pig iron"; "refine oil"
be or do something to a greater degree; "her performance surpasses that of any other student I know"; "She outdoes all other athletes"; "This exceeds all my expectations"; "This car outperforms all others in its class"
United States songwriter whose songs embody the sentiment of the South before the American Civil War (1826-1864)
providing or receiving nurture or parental care though not related by blood or legal ties; "foster parent"; "foster child"; "foster home"; "surrogate father"
help develop, help grow; "nurture his talents"
bring up under fosterage; of children
promote the growth of; "Foster our children's well-being and education"
make (alcohol) unfit for drinking without impairing usefulness for other purposes
modify (as a native protein) especially by heat, acid, alkali, or ultraviolet radiation so that all of the original properties are removed or diminished
add nonfissionable material to (fissionable material) so as to make unsuitable for use in an atomic bomb