Exact Match:
- intend
- have in mind as a purpose; "I mean no harm"; "I only meant to help you"; "She didn't think to harm me"; "We thought to return early that night"
- design or destine; "She was intended to become the director"
- add up to,
- aim,
- aim at,
- aim to,
- arrange,
- aspire after,
- aspire to,
- assign,
- attempt,
- be after,
- calculate,
- cast,
- concert,
- connote,
- contemplate,
- contrive,
- cut out,
- denote,
- design,
- designate,
- desire,
- destine,
- determine,
- devise,
- drive at,
- endeavor,
- essay,
- express,
- figure,
- forecast,
- frame,
- go for,
- harbor a design,
- have every intention,
- have in mind,
- import,
- intend to,
- lay plans,
- look forward to,
- make a projection,
- make arrangements,
- mean,
- mean to,
- methodize,
- mind,
- organize,
- plan,
- plan ahead,
- plot,
- prearrange,
- program,
- project,
- propose,
- propose to,
- purport,
- purpose,
- rationalize,
- resolve,
- resolve to,
- schedule,
- schematize,
- scheme,
- set up,
- shape,
- signify,
- spell,
- strive,
- systematize,
- think,
- try,
- work out,
- work up