morally reprehensible; "would do something as despicable as murder"; "ugly crimes"; "the vile development of slavery appalled them"; "a slimy little liar"
prepare for publication or presentation by correcting, revising, or adapting; "Edit a book on lexical semantics"; "she edited the letters of the politician so as to omit the most personal passages"
cut or eliminate; "she edited the juiciest scenes"
cut and assemble the components of; "edit film"; "cut recording tape"
supervise the publication of; "The same family has been editing the influential newspaper for almost 100 years"
separate or isolate (one thing) from another and place in a group apart from others; "the sun segregates the carbon"; "large mining claims are segregated into smaller claims"
divide from the main body or mass and collect; "Many towns segregated into new counties"; "Experiments show clearly that genes segregate"
separate by race or religion; practice a policy of racial segregation; "This neighborhood is segregated"; "We don't segregate in this county"
(of music or art) new and of general appeal (especially among young people)
carried on by or for the people (or citizens) at large; "the popular vote"; "popular representation"; "institutions of popular government"
regarded with great favor, approval, or affection especially by the general public; "a popular tourist attraction"; "a popular girl"; "cabbage patch dolls are no longer popular"