Exact Match:
- manage
- be in charge of, act on, or dispose of; "I can deal with this crew of workers"; "This blender can't handle nuts"; "She managed her parents' affairs after they got too old"
- accomplish,
- achieve,
- administer,
- administrate,
- animal husbandry,
- animal rearing,
- attain,
- automobiling,
- be master,
- be responsible for,
- be so,
- be such,
- bed,
- bed down,
- bee culture,
- beekeeping,
- bicycling,
- biking,
- break,
- breeding,
- bridle,
- bring about,
- bring off,
- brush,
- busing,
- call the signals,
- captain,
- care for,
- carry on,
- carry out,
- carry through,
- cattle-ranching,
- chair,
- chart a course,
- chicken-farming,
- clear,
- clear the hurdle,
- come along,
- come on,
- come out,
- come through,
- command,
- compass,
- complete,
- cond,
- conduct,
- conn,
- consummate,
- contend with,
- contrive,
- control,
- cope,
- cope with,
- coxswain,
- curry,
- currycomb,
- cut the mustard,
- cycling,
- dairy-farming,
- deal with,
- direct,
- discharge,
- discipline,
- dispatch,
- dispose of,
- do,
- do the job,
- do the trick,
- do with,
- dominate,
- drench,
- dressage,
- drive,
- driving,
- economize,
- effect,
- effectuate,
- eke out,
- employ,
- enact,
- enforce economies,
- engineer,
- equitation,
- execute,
- exercise,
- exert,
- fare,
- feed,
- fetch,
- fodder,
- fulfill,
- function,
- gentle,
- get along,
- get along on,
- get by,
- get by on,
- get on,
- gnotobiotics,
- go along,
- go on,
- go on with,
- govern,
- grazing,
- groom,
- guide,
- hack it,
- handle,
- hang in,
- hang tough,
- harness,
- have the conn,
- head,
- head up,
- helm,
- herding,
- hitch,
- horse training,
- horseback riding,
- horsemanship,
- husband,
- keep,
- keep afloat,
- keep at it,
- keep within compass,
- knock off,
- lead,
- lead on,
- litter,
- look after,
- make,
- make do,
- make ends meet,
- make go,
- make it,
- make out,
- make the grade,
- make the rules,
- make use of,
- makeshift,
- manage somehow,
- manage with,
- maneuver,
- manipulate,
- mastermind,
- milk,
- mink-ranching,
- motorcycling,
- motoring,
- muddle through,
- navigate,
- negotiate,
- never say die,
- officer,
- operate,
- ordain,
- order,
- oversee,
- pedaling,
- perform,
- perform on,
- persevere,
- persist,
- pig-keeping,
- pilot,
- play,
- ply,
- polish off,
- practice,
- prescribe,
- preside over,
- produce,
- pull the strings,
- put away,
- put over,
- put something aside,
- put through,
- quarterback,
- realize,
- regulate,
- riding,
- riding school,
- rub down,
- rule over,
- run,
- saddle,
- save,
- scrape,
- scrape along,
- scrape and save,
- scrimp,
- see it through,
- see to,
- shape a course,
- shape up,
- sheepherding,
- skimp,
- skipper,
- stack up,
- stagger,
- stand over,
- steer,
- steward,
- stick it out,
- stick to it,
- stock raising,
- stockbreeding,
- subsist,
- succeed,
- succeed in,
- superintend,
- supervise,
- survive,
- swing,
- swing the deal,
- take care of,
- take command,
- take the lead,
- tame,
- tend,
- thremmatology,
- train,
- transact,
- treat,
- turn out,
- turn the trick,
- undertake,
- use,
- utilize,
- watch over,
- water,
- wield,
- wield authority,
- work,
- work out,
- worry along,
- yoke,
- zootechnics,
- zootechny