Exact Match:
- mistress
- a woman master who directs the work of others
- an adulterous woman; a woman who has an ongoing extramarital sexual relationship with a man
- Dulcinea,
- abbess,
- beneficiary,
- best girl,
- cestui,
- cestui que trust,
- cestui que use,
- chatelaine,
- concubine,
- dame,
- deedholder,
- dowager,
- doxy,
- dream girl,
- duenna,
- educatress,
- feoffee,
- feudatory,
- first lady,
- gill,
- girl,
- girl friend,
- goodwife,
- governess,
- great lady,
- headmistress,
- homemaker,
- householder,
- housewife,
- inamorata,
- instructress,
- jill,
- jo,
- kept mistress,
- kept woman,
- lady,
- lady love,
- laird,
- landlady,
- landlord,
- lass,
- lassie,
- lord,
- lover,
- madam,
- master,
- matriarch,
- matron,
- mesne,
- mesne lord,
- mother superior,
- odalisque,
- old lady,
- owner,
- paramour,
- playmate,
- proprietary,
- proprietor,
- proprietress,
- proprietrix,
- rentier,
- schooldame,
- schoolmarm,
- schoolmistress,
- squire,
- titleholder,
- tutoress,
- unofficial wife,
- woman