Exact Match:
- order
- the act of putting things in a sequential arrangement; "there were mistakes in the ordering of items on the list"
- (architecture) one of original three styles of Greek architecture distinguished by the type of column and entablature used or a style developed from the original three by the Romans
- a degree in a continuum of size or quantity; "it was on the order of a mile"; "an explosion of a low order of magnitude"
- a commercial document used to request someone to supply something in return for payment and providing specifications and quantities; "IBM received an order for a hundred computers"
- a body of rules followed by an assembly
- (often plural) a command given by a superior (e.g., a military or law enforcement officer) that must be obeyed; "the British ships dropped anchor and waited for orders from London"
- a request for food or refreshment (as served in a restaurant or bar etc.); "I gave the waiter my order"
- (biology) taxonomic group containing one or more families
- a group of person living under a religious rule; "the order of Saint Benedict"
- established customary state (especially of society); "order ruled in the streets"; "law and order"
- place in a certain order; "order these files"
- bring order to or into; "Order these files"
- make a request for something; "Order me some flowers"; "order a work stoppage"
- give instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority; "I said to him to go home"; "She ordered him to do the shopping"; "The mother told the child to get dressed"
- issue commands or orders for
- Bronze Star Medal,
- Croix de Guerre,
- Distinguished Conduct Medal,
- Distinguished Flying Cross,
- Distinguished Service Cross,
- Distinguished Service Medal,
- Distinguished Service Order,
- Distinguished Unit Citation,
- MO,
- Medaille Militaire,
- Military Cross,
- Navy Cross,
- Unit Citation,
- Victoria Cross,
- act on,
- action,
- adherents,
- adjust,
- adjustment,
- affiliation,
- algorithm,
- align,
- allocation,
- allotment,
- alphabetize,
- alternation,
- amendment,
- analyze,
- animal kingdom,
- antonomasia,
- apostolic orders,
- apply for,
- appointment,
- apportionment,
- appositeness,
- approach,
- appropriate,
- appropriateness,
- approximation,
- apt,
- aptness,
- arrange,
- arranged,
- arrangement,
- array,
- arraying,
- ashram,
- ask,
- ask for,
- association,
- assort,
- attack,
- auspiciousness,
- authorization,
- award,
- bad condition,
- balance,
- be responsible for,
- beauty,
- beg leave,
- behest,
- bespeak,
- bid,
- bidding,
- binomial nomenclature,
- biosystematics,
- biosystematy,
- biotype,
- blackmail,
- blood,
- blue ribbon,
- body,
- bracket,
- branch,
- break down,
- breed,
- briefing,
- broken,
- broken-down,
- brood,
- brotherhood,
- busted,
- buy,
- call,
- call for,
- call on,
- call the shots,
- call the signals,
- call upon,
- calling,
- calm,
- calmness,
- canonization,
- captain,
- carry on,
- case,
- caste,
- catalog,
- categorization,
- categorize,
- category,
- chain,
- challenge,
- charge,
- church,
- claim,
- clamor for,
- clan,
- class,
- classification,
- classify,
- clean,
- closeness,
- club,
- codification,
- codify,
- collation,
- collocation,
- colony,
- coming after,
- command,
- commandment,
- commission,
- commitment,
- commonwealth,
- commune,
- communion,
- community,
- company,
- concinnity,
- concord,
- condemn,
- condemnation,
- condition,
- conduct,
- conferment,
- confession,
- confraternity,
- confrerie,
- consecration,
- consecution,
- consecutiveness,
- consideration,
- constitution,
- continuation,
- continuity,
- contract for,
- contribution,
- control,
- cool off,
- cordon,
- cordon bleu,
- correct,
- correction,
- correctitude,
- correctness,
- country club,
- course,
- crave,
- cry for,
- decide,
- decision,
- declare,
- decoration,
- decoration of honor,
- decorousness,
- decorum,
- decree,
- degree,
- deliverance,
- demand,
- demand for,
- demanded,
- deme,
- denomination,
- deploy,
- deployment,
- descent,
- description,
- desire,
- determination,
- determine,
- diagnosis,
- dictate,
- dictation,
- dictum,
- digest,
- direct,
- direct order,
- direction,
- directions,
- directive,
- disciples,
- discipline,
- disordered,
- disorganized,
- disposal,
- dispose,
- disposition,
- distribution,
- divide,
- division,
- doom,
- draft,
- drain,
- duty,
- echelon,
- economic class,
- edict,
- election,
- endogamous group,
- engage,
- engineer,
- enjoin,
- equilibrium,
- estate,
- euphony,
- exact,
- exaction,
- expediency,
- extended family,
- extension,
- extent,
- extort,
- extortion,
- extortionate demand,
- faction,
- faith,
- family,
- fashion,
- favorableness,
- feather,
- felicity,
- fellowship,
- fettle,
- fiat,
- file,
- file for,
- final instructions,
- find,
- find against,
- find for,
- finding,
- fitness,
- fitting,
- fix,
- folk,
- followers,
- following,
- footing,
- force,
- form,
- formation,
- formulation,
- fraternal order,
- fraternity,
- garter,
- gear,
- genotype,
- gens,
- genus,
- give an order,
- give the word,
- glossology,
- gold star,
- good condition,
- goodness,
- govern,
- grace,
- grade,
- grand cordon,
- group,
- grouping,
- guide,
- guild,
- guise,
- handle,
- harmonize,
- harmony,
- head,
- head up,
- heading,
- health,
- heavy demand,
- hest,
- hierarchize,
- hierarchy,
- holy orders,
- house,
- ilk,
- imperative,
- importance,
- impose,
- imposition,
- impost,
- improper,
- in disorder,
- in disrepair,
- in order,
- in order to,
- indecorous,
- indent,
- index,
- induction,
- injunction,
- inoperative,
- insistent demand,
- installation,
- institution,
- instruct,
- instruction,
- instructions,
- integrity,
- investiture,
- ism,
- issue a command,
- issue a writ,
- issue an ultimatum,
- kaput,
- kidney,
- kilter,
- kin,
- kind,
- kingdom,
- kinship group,
- knighthood,
- label,
- law,
- law and order,
- lawfulness,
- lay out,
- layout,
- lead,
- lead on,
- league,
- level,
- levy,
- line,
- line of action,
- line up,
- lineage,
- lines,
- lineup,
- list,
- lodge,
- logical sequence,
- magnitude,
- major orders,
- make,
- make a demand,
- make a request,
- make a requisition,
- make application,
- make the rules,
- manage,
- mandate,
- maneuver,
- manipulate,
- manner,
- manner of working,
- marshal,
- marshaling,
- mastermind,
- matriclan,
- matter,
- means,
- measure,
- measuredness,
- medal,
- medallion,
- meetness,
- method,
- methodize,
- methodology,
- military medal,
- minor orders,
- mode,
- mode of operation,
- mode of procedure,
- modus operandi,
- moiety,
- nation,
- naturalism,
- naturalness,
- nature,
- naturism,
- nearness,
- neat,
- neatness,
- needed,
- neighborhood,
- niceness,
- nomenclature,
- nomination,
- nonnegotiable demand,
- normalcy,
- normality,
- normalize,
- normalness,
- not cricket,
- notice,
- nuclear family,
- officer,
- offshoot,
- on the blink,
- on the fritz,
- onomastics,
- onomatology,
- opportuneness,
- ordain,
- ordainment,
- order about,
- order of succession,
- order up,
- orderedness,
- ordering,
- orderliness,
- orderly,
- orders,
- ordinance,
- ordination,
- organization,
- organize,
- orismology,
- ornament,
- out of commission,
- out of order,
- out of place,
- out of whack,
- pacify,
- party,
- pass judgment,
- pass sentence,
- patriclan,
- pattern,
- peace,
- peace and quiet,
- peacefulness,
- pecking order,
- people,
- permission,
- persuasion,
- phratria,
- phratry,
- phyle,
- phylum,
- pigeonhole,
- place,
- place an order,
- place-names,
- place-naming,
- placement,
- plan,
- plant kingdom,
- pleasure,
- polyonymy,
- position,
- posteriority,
- postposition,
- power structure,
- practice,
- precedence,
- precedent,
- precept,
- predicament,
- preferment,
- prepared,
- prescribe,
- prescript,
- prescription,
- presentation,
- probity,
- procedure,
- proceeding,
- proceedings,
- process,
- procession,
- proclaim,
- proclamation,
- prognosis,
- progression,
- prolongation,
- promulgate,
- pronounce,
- pronounce judgment,
- pronounce on,
- pronouncement,
- pronunciamento,
- properness,
- proportion,
- propriety,
- proximity,
- pull the strings,
- purchase,
- put,
- put in for,
- put in order,
- put in requisition,
- put in shape,
- put to rights,
- quarterback,
- quiet,
- quiet life,
- quietness,
- quietude,
- race,
- range,
- rank,
- rate,
- rating,
- reading in,
- ready,
- realism,
- rectification,
- rectitude,
- red ribbon,
- reduce to order,
- regiment,
- regimentation,
- regularity,
- regularize,
- regulate,
- regulation,
- religious order,
- repair,
- report,
- request,
- require,
- required,
- requirement,
- requisition,
- reserve,
- resolution,
- restfulness,
- return a verdict,
- rhythm,
- riband,
- ribbon,
- right,
- rightness,
- rotation,
- routine,
- routinize,
- row,
- rubric,
- rule,
- ruling,
- run,
- rush,
- rush order,
- say the word,
- scale,
- school,
- screw,
- seasonableness,
- secret society,
- sect,
- sectarism,
- section,
- seemliness,
- segment,
- sentence,
- sept,
- sequel,
- sequence,
- serenity,
- series,
- service medal,
- set,
- set in order,
- set to rights,
- set up,
- set-up,
- settlement,
- setup,
- shape,
- shipshape,
- shot,
- sisterhood,
- skipper,
- so that,
- social class,
- society,
- sodality,
- sorority,
- sort,
- sort out,
- special order,
- species,
- sphere,
- stage,
- standardize,
- standing,
- star,
- state of affairs,
- station,
- status,
- statute,
- stem,
- stirps,
- stock,
- straighten out,
- straighten up,
- strain,
- stratum,
- streamline,
- stripe,
- structure,
- structuring,
- style,
- subcaste,
- subclass,
- subdivide,
- subdivision,
- subfamily,
- subgenus,
- subgroup,
- subjunction,
- subkingdom,
- suborder,
- subspecies,
- subtribe,
- succession,
- successiveness,
- suffixation,
- suitability,
- suitable,
- suitableness,
- superclass,
- superfamily,
- superorder,
- superspecies,
- sweetness,
- symmetry,
- syntax,
- system,
- systematics,
- systematization,
- systematize,
- systemization,
- tabulate,
- tack,
- take command,
- take the lead,
- tax,
- taxing,
- taxonomy,
- teaching,
- technique,
- tell,
- terminology,
- the drill,
- the how,
- tidiness,
- tidy,
- timeliness,
- title,
- to,
- tone,
- toponymy,
- totem,
- train,
- tranquilize,
- tranquillity,
- tribe,
- tribute,
- trim,
- trinomialism,
- tune,
- type,
- ukase,
- ultimatum,
- uncalled-for,
- uniformity,
- union,
- unorganized,
- unseemly,
- unsnarl,
- unsuitable,
- uprightness,
- utter a judgment,
- variety,
- verdict,
- version,
- vicinity,
- war medal,
- warn,
- warning,
- way,
- wear the pants,
- whip into shape,
- whistle for,
- wholesomeness,
- will,
- wise,
- wish,
- word,
- word of command