a lamp for providing momentary light to take a photograph
a bright patch of color used for decoration or identification; "red flashes adorned the airplane"; "a flash sewn on his sleeve indicated the unit he belonged to"
a momentary brightness
a sudden brilliant understanding; "he had a flash of intuition"
a short vivid experience; "a flash of emotion swept over him"; "the flashings of pain were a warning"
a sudden intense burst of radiant energy
appear briefly; "The headlines flashed on the screen"
emit a brief burst of light; "A shooting star flashed and was gone"
make known or cause to appear with great speed; "The latest intelligence is flashed to all command posts"
protect by covering with a thin sheet of metal; "flash the roof"
expose or show briefly; "he flashed a $100 bill"
gleam or glow intermittently; "The lights were flashing"
someone who is appointed or elected to an office and who holds a position of trust; "he is an officer of the court"; "the club elected its officers for the coming year"
domesticated bovine animals as a group regardless of sex or age; "so many head of cattle"; "wait till the cows come home"; "seven thin and ill-favored kine"- Bible; "a team of oxen"
marked by excited activity; "a hot week on the stock market"
charged or energized with electricity; "a hot wire"; "a live wire"
having or dealing with dangerously high levels of radioactivity; "hot fuel rods"; "a hot laboratory"
of a seeker; very near to the object sought; "you are hot"
having or showing great eagerness or enthusiasm; "hot for travel"
newly made; "a hot scent"
very good; often used in the negative; "he's hot at math but not so hot at history"
used of physical heat; having a high or higher than desirable temperature or giving off heat or feeling or causing a sensation of heat or burning; "hot stove"; "hot water"; "a hot August day"; "a hot stuffy room"; "she's hot and tired"; "a hot forehead"
extended meanings; especially of psychological heat; marked by intensity or vehemence especially of passion or enthusiasm; "a hot temper"; "a hot topic"; "a hot new book"; "a hot love affair"; "a hot argument"
recently stolen or smuggled; "hot merchandise"; "a hot car"
having or bringing unusually good luck; "hot at craps"; "the dice are hot tonight"
newest or most recent; "news hot off the press"; "red-hot information"
very unpleasant or even dangerous; "make it hot for him"; "in the hot seat"; "in hot water"
very popular or successful; "one of the hot young talents"; "cabbage patch dolls were hot last season"
sexually excited or exciting; "was hot for her"; "hot pants"
performed or performing with unusually great skill and daring and energy; "a hot drummer"; "he's hot tonight"
being very spicy; "hot salsa"; "jalapeno peppers are very hot"
characterized by violent and forceful activity or movement; very intense; "the fighting became hot and heavy"; "a hot engagement"; "a raging battle"; "the river became a raging torrent"
a movement like that of a sudden occurrence or increase in a specified phenomenon; "a wave of settlers"; "troops advancing in waves"
a hairdo that creates undulations in the hair
the act of signaling by a movement of the hand
(physics) a movement up and down or back and forth
one of a series of ridges that moves across the surface of a liquid (especially across a large body of water)
something that rises rapidly; "a wave of emotion swept over him"; "there was a sudden wave of buying before the market closed"; "a wave of conservatism in the country led by the hard right"
a member of the women's reserve of the United States Navy; originally organized during World War II but now no longer a separate branch
a persistent and widespread unusual weather condition (especially of unusual temperatures); "a heat wave"
an undulating curve
set waves in; "she asked the hairdresser to wave her hair"