Exact Match:
- responsible
- being the agent or cause; "determined who was the responsible party"; "termites were responsible for the damage"
- worthy of or requiring responsibility or trust; or held accountable; "a responsible adult"; "responsible journalism"; "a responsible position"; "the captain is responsible for the ship's safety"; "the cabinet is responsible to the parliament"
- accountable,
- administrative,
- amenable,
- answerable,
- answerable for,
- apt to,
- at fault,
- authoritative,
- capable of,
- chargeable,
- chief,
- creditable,
- culpable,
- decision-making,
- dependable,
- dependent on,
- directorial,
- ethical,
- executive,
- exposed,
- exposed to,
- faithworthy,
- guilty,
- honest,
- important,
- in danger of,
- incident to,
- incorruptible,
- inviolable,
- leading,
- liable,
- liable to,
- likely to,
- managerial,
- naked to,
- obligated,
- obliged to,
- open,
- open to,
- pledged,
- principal,
- prone to,
- proven,
- ready for,
- reliable,
- responsible for,
- stable,
- standing to,
- straight,
- subject,
- subject to,
- sure,
- susceptive to,
- tested,
- to be trusted,
- to blame,
- top,
- tried,
- tried and true,
- true,
- trustable,
- trustworthy,
- trusty,
- unfalse,
- unperfidious,
- untreacherous,
- within range of