Exact Match:
- rest
- freedom from activity (work or strain or responsibility); "took his repose by the swimming pool"
- a support on which things can be put; "the gun was steadied on a special rest"
- a musical notation indicating a silence of a specified duration
- euphemisms for death (based on an analogy between lying in a bed and in a tomb); "she was laid to rest beside her husband"; "they had to put their family pet to sleep"
- a state of inaction; "a body will continue in a state of rest until acted upon"
- be at rest
- take a short break from one's activities in order to relax
- give a rest to; "He rested his bad leg"; "Rest the dogs for a moment"
- not move; be in a resting position
- put something in a resting position, as for support or steadying; "Rest your head on my shoulder"
- be inactive, refrain from acting; "The committee is resting over the summer"
- be inherent or innate in;
- abeyance,
- abide,
- abide in,
- advocate,
- afterglow,
- afterimage,
- allay,
- alpenstock,
- annihilation,
- appease,
- arm,
- arrive,
- ataraxia,
- ataraxy,
- athletic supporter,
- awful silence,
- axis,
- back,
- backbone,
- backing,
- balance,
- bandeau,
- bane,
- base,
- basis,
- be a sideliner,
- be based on,
- be coextensive with,
- be comprised in,
- be constituted by,
- be contained in,
- be contingent on,
- be dependent on,
- be found,
- be left,
- be located,
- be predicated on,
- be present in,
- be situated,
- be still,
- bearer,
- bearing,
- bed,
- bed down,
- biological death,
- bottom,
- bra,
- brace,
- bracer,
- bracket,
- brassiere,
- break,
- breath,
- breathe,
- breather,
- breathing place,
- breathing space,
- breathing spell,
- breathing time,
- breve rest,
- butt,
- butt end,
- buttress,
- caesura,
- call a recess,
- calm,
- calm down,
- calmness,
- candle ends,
- cane,
- carrier,
- cease-fire,
- cervix,
- cessation,
- cessation of life,
- chaff,
- cigarette break,
- clinical death,
- coast,
- cocktail hour,
- coffee break,
- compose,
- composure,
- conduct pleadings,
- consist in,
- contemplation,
- continue to be,
- convenience,
- cool,
- corset,
- couch,
- count sheep,
- cradle,
- crook,
- crossing the bar,
- crutch,
- curl up,
- curtains,
- day off,
- dead,
- dead of night,
- death,
- death knell,
- deathlike silence,
- debris,
- debt of nature,
- decease,
- delay,
- demise,
- departure,
- depend,
- depend on,
- deposit,
- detritus,
- dissolution,
- do nothing,
- doom,
- doorstep,
- doss down,
- downtime,
- doze,
- dozing,
- drift,
- drop,
- dulcify,
- dwell in,
- dying,
- ease,
- ease up,
- ebb of life,
- eighth rest,
- end,
- end of life,
- ending,
- enforced respite,
- eternal rest,
- even out,
- excess,
- exist in,
- exit,
- expiration,
- extinction,
- extinguishment,
- fag end,
- filings,
- final summons,
- finger of death,
- footing,
- footrest,
- footstep,
- forty winks,
- fossil,
- foundation,
- foundation garment,
- free time,
- freedom,
- freeze,
- fulcrum,
- girdle,
- go to bed,
- go to rest,
- go to sleep,
- going,
- going off,
- golden silence,
- goof-off time,
- grave,
- ground,
- groundwork,
- guy,
- guywire,
- half rest,
- halt,
- hand of death,
- hang,
- hang fire,
- hang on,
- happy hour,
- heel,
- hesitate,
- hesitation,
- hibernate,
- hinge,
- hinge on,
- hit the hay,
- hit the sack,
- holder,
- holdover,
- holiday,
- hush,
- hush of night,
- husks,
- idle,
- idle hours,
- idleness,
- imperturbability,
- implead,
- inactivity,
- inaudibility,
- indolence,
- inhabit,
- inhere in,
- interim,
- interlude,
- intermezzo,
- intermission,
- intermittence,
- interruption,
- interval,
- jaws of death,
- jock,
- jockstrap,
- keep quiet,
- kip,
- knell,
- languish,
- lapse,
- last debt,
- last muster,
- last rest,
- last roundup,
- last sleep,
- lay,
- lay down,
- layoff,
- lean,
- leaving life,
- leavings,
- leftovers,
- leisure,
- let down,
- let up,
- letup,
- lie,
- lie athwart,
- lie by,
- lie dormant,
- lie down,
- lie in,
- lie on,
- lie still,
- lie with,
- loaf,
- loafing,
- lodge,
- loll,
- loss of life,
- lounge,
- lucid stillness,
- lull,
- mainstay,
- maintainer,
- make a plea,
- making an end,
- mark time,
- marmoreal repose,
- mast,
- minim,
- mollify,
- mum,
- nap,
- neck,
- nirvana,
- nod,
- noiselessness,
- not breathe,
- not budge,
- not stir,
- oarlock,
- odd moments,
- odds and ends,
- offscourings,
- orts,
- overage,
- overplus,
- pace,
- pacify,
- parings,
- parting,
- passing,
- passing away,
- passing over,
- pause,
- peace,
- peacefulness,
- perishing,
- pivot,
- place,
- placidity,
- placidness,
- plead,
- position,
- pour balm into,
- prop,
- put,
- put down,
- quarter rest,
- quell,
- quiescence,
- quiescency,
- quiet,
- quietism,
- quietness,
- quietude,
- quietus,
- rags,
- recess,
- recline,
- refuse,
- reinforce,
- reinforcement,
- reinforcer,
- relax,
- relaxation,
- release,
- relics,
- rely,
- remain,
- remain motionless,
- remainder,
- remains,
- remission,
- remnant,
- repose,
- repose in,
- reposit,
- reside,
- reside in,
- residual,
- residue,
- residuum,
- respite,
- rest in,
- rest on,
- rest with,
- restfulness,
- resting place,
- resting point,
- retirement,
- revolve on,
- reward,
- ride,
- ride at anchor,
- ride easy,
- ride hawse full,
- rigging,
- riser,
- roach,
- rock to sleep,
- round,
- rowlock,
- rubbish,
- ruins,
- rump,
- rundle,
- rung,
- sack out,
- satori,
- sawdust,
- scale,
- scourings,
- scraps,
- seat,
- seating,
- semiretirement,
- sentence of death,
- serenity,
- set,
- set down,
- settle to rest,
- shades of death,
- shadow,
- shadow of death,
- shavings,
- shelf,
- shoulder,
- shroud,
- shut-eye,
- siesta,
- silence,
- silentness,
- silken repose,
- sit back,
- sit it out,
- sixteenth rest,
- slack off,
- slacken,
- sleep,
- slumber,
- smooth,
- smooth down,
- smooth over,
- smoothen,
- snooze,
- snug down,
- solemn silence,
- somatic death,
- soothe,
- soundlessness,
- spare time,
- spell,
- spill,
- spine,
- spoke,
- sprawl,
- sprit,
- stabilize,
- staff,
- stagnate,
- stair,
- stand,
- stand fast,
- stand firm,
- stand on,
- stand still,
- stand-down,
- standing rigging,
- stave,
- stay,
- stay put,
- steady,
- step,
- step stool,
- stepping-stone,
- stick,
- stick fast,
- stiffener,
- still,
- stillness,
- stop,
- stop for breath,
- straw,
- strengthener,
- stretch out,
- string,
- stubble,
- stump,
- subdue,
- subsist,
- subsist in,
- summons of death,
- superfluity,
- support,
- supporter,
- surcease,
- surplus,
- surplusage,
- survival,
- survive,
- suspension,
- sustainer,
- sweepings,
- tacitness,
- taciturnity,
- take,
- take a nap,
- take a recess,
- take a rest,
- take forty winks,
- take it easy,
- take life easy,
- tarry,
- tea break,
- thole,
- tholepin,
- time,
- time off,
- time out,
- time to kill,
- time to spare,
- tomblike silence,
- trace,
- tranquilize,
- tranquillity,
- tread,
- tread water,
- trestle,
- truce,
- turn on,
- turn up,
- turn upon,
- unbend,
- unlax,
- unwind,
- upholder,
- vacation,
- vegetate,
- vestige,
- wait and see,
- walking stick,
- waste,
- watch and wait,
- whisht,
- wise passiveness