Exact Match:
- sane
- mentally healthy; free from mental disorder; "appears to be completely sane"
- admissible,
- all there,
- balanced,
- bright,
- bunkum,
- clearheaded,
- clearminded,
- cogent,
- commonsense,
- compelling,
- compos mentis,
- conceptive,
- conceptual,
- convincing,
- cool,
- coolheaded,
- credible,
- discursive,
- down-to-earth,
- earthy,
- fit,
- good,
- hale,
- hardheaded,
- healthy-minded,
- ideational,
- intellectual,
- intelligent,
- judicious,
- just,
- justifiable,
- knowing,
- legitimate,
- level-headed,
- levelheaded,
- logical,
- lucid,
- matter-of-fact,
- mentally sound,
- noetic,
- normal,
- not so dumb,
- of sound mind,
- oriented,
- philosophical,
- plausible,
- positivistic,
- practical,
- practical-minded,
- pragmatic,
- prudent,
- rational,
- realist,
- realistic,
- reasonable,
- right,
- right-minded,
- sage,
- sane-minded,
- sapient,
- scientific,
- scientistic,
- secular,
- sensible,
- sober,
- sober-minded,
- sophic,
- sound,
- sound-minded,
- sound-thinking,
- straight-thinking,
- strong-minded,
- together,
- understanding,
- unideal,
- unidealistic,
- unromantic,
- unsentimental,
- well,
- well-argued,
- well-balanced,
- well-founded,
- well-grounded,
- wholesome,
- wise,
- worldly