Exact Match:
- shoal
- a stretch of shallow water
- a sandbank in a stretch of water that is visible at low tide
- a mass of,
- a world of,
- ankle-deep,
- army,
- bank,
- bar,
- barrier,
- bevy,
- bunch,
- cloud,
- clutter,
- colony,
- coral heads,
- coral reef,
- covey,
- cursory,
- depthless,
- drift,
- drive,
- drove,
- epidermal,
- flat,
- flight,
- flock,
- flocks,
- ford,
- gam,
- gang,
- hail,
- herd,
- hive,
- hook,
- host,
- ironbound coast,
- jam,
- jejune,
- kennel,
- knee-deep,
- large amount,
- ledges,
- lee shore,
- legion,
- light,
- litter,
- lots,
- many,
- masses of,
- mob,
- muchness,
- multitude,
- nest,
- not deep,
- numbers,
- on the surface,
- pack,
- pitfall,
- plurality,
- pod,
- pride,
- quantities,
- quicksands,
- quite a few,
- reef,
- rockbound coast,
- rocks,
- rout,
- ruck,
- sandbank,
- sandbar,
- sands,
- school,
- scores,
- shallow,
- shallow-rooted,
- shallows,
- shelf,
- shoal water,
- shoals,
- skin-deep,
- skulk,
- slight,
- sloth,
- spit,
- superficial,
- surface,
- swarm,
- thin,
- throng,
- tidal flats,
- tidy sum,
- trip,
- trivial,
- troop,
- undercurrent,
- undertow,
- unprofound,
- wetlands,
- worlds of