Exact Match:
- signal
- any communication that encodes a message; "signals from the boat suddenly stopped"
- any incitement to action; "he awaited the signal to start"; "the victory was a signal for wild celebration"
- an electric quantity (voltage or current or field strength) whose modulation represents coded information about the source from which it comes
- notably out of the ordinary; "the year saw one signal triumph for the Labour party"
- CRT spot,
- DM display,
- Doppler signal,
- EDP,
- IF signal,
- IM display,
- RF echoes,
- Roman candle,
- Teletype,
- Wirephoto,
- aid to navigation,
- alarm,
- alert,
- alphabetic data,
- alphanumeric code,
- amber light,
- angular data,
- announce,
- arresting,
- assembler,
- astonishing,
- badge,
- balefire,
- banner,
- beacon,
- beacon fire,
- beam,
- beat signal,
- beat the drum,
- beckon,
- bell,
- bell buoy,
- binary digit,
- binary scale,
- binary system,
- bit,
- blink,
- blinker,
- blips,
- blue peter,
- bounces,
- broad hint,
- broadcast,
- bug,
- buoy,
- byte,
- caution light,
- celebrated,
- channel,
- character,
- characteristic,
- clue,
- command pulses,
- commands,
- communicate,
- communication,
- communication explosion,
- communication theory,
- communicational,
- communications,
- compiler,
- computer code,
- computer language,
- computer program,
- consequential,
- conspicuous,
- control signals,
- controlled quantity,
- convey,
- correcting signals,
- cue,
- data,
- data retrieval,
- data storage,
- decoding,
- device,
- differentia,
- dip,
- dip the ensign,
- display,
- disseminate,
- distinctive,
- distinguished,
- double-dot display,
- dress ship,
- earmark,
- echo,
- echo signal,
- egregious,
- electronic data processing,
- eminent,
- encoding,
- entropy,
- error,
- error signals,
- esteemed,
- estimable,
- exceptional,
- exchange colors,
- extraordinary,
- fabulous,
- facsimile,
- famous,
- fantastic,
- feedback pulses,
- feedback signals,
- film data,
- flag,
- flag down,
- flare,
- flash,
- fog bell,
- fog signal,
- fog whistle,
- foghorn,
- formidable,
- gentle hint,
- gesticulate,
- gesture,
- get across,
- get over,
- give,
- give a signal,
- give the nod,
- give word,
- glance,
- glimmer,
- glimmering,
- go light,
- goad,
- gong buoy,
- green light,
- hail,
- hail and speak,
- half-mast,
- hallmark,
- hand on,
- heliograph,
- hexadecimal system,
- high sign,
- hint,
- hoist a banner,
- idiosyncrasy,
- illustrious,
- image,
- impart,
- impetus,
- implication,
- important,
- incitement,
- incredible,
- index,
- indicant,
- indicate,
- indication,
- indicator,
- individual,
- information,
- information explosion,
- information theory,
- inkling,
- innuendo,
- input data,
- input quantity,
- insignia,
- insinuation,
- instructions,
- international alphabet flag,
- international numeral pennant,
- intimation,
- keynote,
- kick,
- leave word,
- leer,
- local oscillator signal,
- look,
- machine language,
- magnetotelephonic,
- make a sign,
- make a signal,
- make known,
- mark,
- marked,
- marker beacon,
- marvelous,
- measure,
- memorable,
- message,
- microtelephonic,
- momentous,
- monotelephonic,
- motion,
- movement,
- multiple messages,
- noble,
- nod,
- noise,
- notable,
- note,
- noteworthy,
- noticeable,
- notify,
- nudge,
- numeric data,
- octal system,
- of mark,
- oscillograph data,
- output data,
- output quantity,
- output signal,
- outstanding,
- parachute flare,
- pass,
- pass along,
- pass on,
- peculiar,
- peculiarity,
- phototelegraphic,
- picture,
- pilot flag,
- pips,
- play,
- poke,
- polar data,
- police whistle,
- prestigious,
- prick,
- prominent,
- prompt,
- property,
- punch-card data,
- quarantine flag,
- radar signal,
- radio,
- radio beacon,
- radiotelegraphic,
- raise a cry,
- random data,
- rare,
- reading,
- rectangular data,
- red flag,
- red light,
- redundancy,
- reference quantity,
- reflection,
- remarkable,
- rememberable,
- render,
- renowned,
- report,
- representation,
- representative,
- reputable,
- return,
- return signal,
- rocket,
- ruly English,
- sailing aid,
- salient,
- salute,
- scent,
- seal,
- semaphore,
- semaphore flag,
- semaphore telegraph,
- send,
- send word,
- share,
- share with,
- sigil,
- sign,
- signal beacon,
- signal bell,
- signal display,
- signal fire,
- signal flag,
- signal gong,
- signal gun,
- signal lamp,
- signal light,
- signal mast,
- signal post,
- signal rocket,
- signal shot,
- signal siren,
- signal tower,
- signalize,
- signals,
- signature,
- significant,
- significative,
- single messages,
- singular,
- sound an alarm,
- sound the trumpet,
- spar buoy,
- speak,
- special,
- spoor,
- spot,
- spur,
- stamp,
- stimulus,
- stop light,
- striking,
- suggestion,
- superior,
- sure sign,
- suspicion,
- symptom,
- target image,
- telecommunicational,
- telegraphic,
- telephonic,
- telephotographic,
- tell,
- telling,
- telltale,
- telltale sign,
- the nod,
- the wink,
- thermotelephonic,
- tocsin,
- touch,
- trace,
- track,
- traffic light,
- traffic signal,
- trait,
- transfer,
- transmit,
- transmitter signal,
- uncommon,
- unforgettable,
- unfurl a flag,
- unique,
- unorganized data,
- unusual,
- video signal,
- visible-speech data,
- watch fire,
- wave,
- wave a flag,
- wave the hand,
- weighty,
- whisper,
- whistle,
- white flag,
- wigwag,
- wigwag flag,
- wink,
- wireless,
- wonderful,
- yellow flag