in conjunction with; combined; "our salaries put together couldn't pay for the damage"; "we couldn't pay for the damages with all our salaries put together"
in collaboration or cooperation; "this paper was written jointly"
the entire range of skills or aptitudes or devices used in a particular field or occupation; "the repertory of the supposed feats of mesmerism"; "has a large repertory of dialects and characters"
a member of the Union Army during the American Civil War
national; especially in reference to the government of the United States as distinct from that of its member units; "the Federal Bureau of Investigation"; "federal courts"; "the federal highway program"; "federal property"
characterized by or constituting a form of government in which power is divided between one central and several regional authorities; "a federal system like that of the United States"; "federal governments often evolved out of confederations"
of or relating to the central government of a federation; "a federal district is one set aside as the seat of the national government"
take measures in preparation for; "provide for the proper care of the passengers on the cruise ship"
determine (what is to happen in certain contingencies), especially by including a proviso condition or stipulation; "The will provides that each child should receive half of the money"; "The Constitution provides for the right to free speech"
provide what is desired or needed, especially support, food or sustenance; "The hostess provided lunch for all the guests"
supply means of subsistence; earn a living; "He provides for his large family by working three jobs"; "Women nowadays not only take care of the household but also bring home the bacon"
extending the legs at right angles to the trunks (one in front and the other in back)
an increase in the number of outstanding shares of a corporation without changing the shareholders' equity; "they announced a two-for-one split of the common stock"
(tenpin bowling) a divided formation of pins left standing after the first bowl; "he was winning until he got a split in the tenth frame"
a dessert of sliced fruit and ice cream covered with whipped cream and cherries and nuts
an old Croatian city on the Adriatic Sea
a lengthwise crack in wood; "he inserted the wedge into a split in the log"
a promised or claimed share of loot or money; "he demanded his split before they disbanded"
a bottle containing half the usual amount
(especially of wood) cut or ripped longitudinally with the grain; "we bought split logs for the fireplace"
being divided or separated; "split between love and hate"
give heed (to); "The children in the audience attended the recital quietly"; "She hung on his every word"; "They attended to everything he said"
take charge of or deal with; "Could you see about lunch?"; "I must attend to this matter"; "She took care of this business"
be present at (meetings, church services, university), etc.; "She attends class regularly"; "I rarely attend services at my church"; "did you go to the meeting?"
to accompany as a circumstance or follow as a result; "Menuhin's playing was attended by a 15-minute standing ovation"