Exact Match:
- stream
- dominant course (suggestive of running water) of successive events or ideas; "two streams of development run through American history"; "stream of consciousness"; "the flow of thought"; "the current of history"
- a natural body of running water flowing on or under the earth
- something that resembles a flowing stream in moving continuously; "a stream of people emptied from the terminal"; "the museum had planned carefully for the flow of visitors"
- exude profusely; "She was streaming with sweat"; "His nose streamed blood"
- flow freely and abundantly; "Tears streamed down her face"
- to extend, wave or float outward, as if in the wind; "their manes streamed like stiff black pennants in the wind"
- Brownian movement,
- X ray,
- Zeitgeist,
- abound,
- abundance,
- actinic ray,
- actinism,
- advance,
- affluence,
- afflux,
- affluxion,
- air current,
- ample sufficiency,
- ampleness,
- amplitude,
- angular motion,
- appear,
- arise,
- ascend,
- ascending,
- ascent,
- assemble,
- atomic beam,
- atomic ray,
- avalanche,
- axial motion,
- back,
- back up,
- backflowing,
- backing,
- backward motion,
- backwash,
- barrage,
- beam,
- beam of light,
- bearing,
- beck,
- become manifest,
- become visible,
- bonanza,
- bountifulness,
- bountiousness,
- branch,
- bristle with,
- brook,
- brooklet,
- budge,
- bumper crop,
- bunch,
- bunch up,
- burn,
- caravan,
- career,
- cascade,
- cataract,
- cavalcade,
- chain,
- change,
- change place,
- channel,
- circle,
- climb,
- climbing,
- clot,
- cluster,
- collect,
- column,
- come,
- come forth,
- come forward,
- come in sight,
- come out,
- come to hand,
- come to light,
- come together,
- commute,
- concourse,
- condensation trail,
- confluence,
- conflux,
- congregate,
- contrail,
- converge,
- copiousness,
- copulate,
- cortege,
- couple,
- course,
- cover ground,
- crawl with,
- creek,
- creep with,
- crop out,
- crosscurrent,
- crowd,
- current,
- current of air,
- date,
- defluxion,
- deluge,
- descend,
- descending,
- descent,
- direction,
- downdraft,
- downflow,
- downpour,
- downward motion,
- draft,
- dress parade,
- drift,
- driftage,
- drizzle,
- drum,
- ebb,
- ebbing,
- effluence,
- efflux,
- effusion,
- emanate,
- emerge,
- enter,
- exhaust,
- extravagance,
- exuberance,
- exuberate,
- fade in,
- fall,
- fall wind,
- fare,
- fare forth,
- fertility,
- fetch,
- file,
- flight,
- flit,
- flock together,
- flood,
- flow,
- flow back,
- flow in,
- flow of air,
- flow out,
- flow together,
- flowing,
- fluency,
- flush,
- flux,
- flyover,
- foison,
- following wind,
- forgather,
- forward motion,
- fountain,
- freshet,
- full measure,
- fullness,
- funeral,
- fuse,
- gamma ray,
- gang,
- gang around,
- gang up,
- gather,
- gather around,
- generosity,
- generousness,
- get over,
- geyser,
- gill,
- glacial movement,
- gleam,
- glide,
- go,
- go along,
- go around,
- go round,
- go sideways,
- great abundance,
- great plenty,
- gush,
- gyrate,
- head wind,
- heave in sight,
- herd together,
- hie,
- hive,
- horde,
- huddle,
- indraft,
- inflow,
- infrared ray,
- inhalation,
- inrush,
- inspiration,
- invisible radiation,
- issue,
- issue forth,
- jet,
- jetstream,
- katabatic wind,
- kill,
- landslide,
- lavishness,
- league,
- leam,
- liberality,
- liberalness,
- line,
- link,
- look forth,
- loom,
- lots,
- luxuriance,
- main current,
- mainstream,
- make,
- march,
- march past,
- mass,
- materialize,
- maximum,
- meet,
- merge,
- mill,
- mill run,
- millrace,
- mizzle,
- monsoon,
- more than enough,
- motion,
- motorcade,
- mount,
- mounting,
- move,
- move along,
- move on,
- move over,
- movement,
- movement of air,
- much,
- mule train,
- muster,
- myriad,
- myriads,
- numerousness,
- oblique motion,
- ongoing,
- onrush,
- onward course,
- opulence,
- opulency,
- outcrop,
- outflow,
- outpouring,
- overflow,
- pack train,
- parade,
- pass,
- passage,
- patch,
- patter,
- peep out,
- pelt,
- pencil,
- photon,
- pitter-patter,
- plenitude,
- plenteousness,
- plentifulness,
- plenty,
- plunge,
- plunging,
- pomp,
- pour,
- pour with rain,
- precipitate,
- prevalence,
- proceed,
- procession,
- prodigality,
- productiveness,
- profuseness,
- profusion,
- progress,
- proliferate,
- promenade,
- quantities,
- queue,
- race,
- radial motion,
- radiation,
- radiorays,
- rain,
- rain tadpoles,
- rally,
- rally around,
- random motion,
- ray,
- ray of light,
- reflowing,
- refluence,
- reflux,
- regress,
- regression,
- regurgitate,
- rendezvous,
- repleteness,
- repletion,
- retrogress,
- retrogression,
- review,
- ribbon,
- ribbon of light,
- rich harvest,
- rich vein,
- richness,
- rill,
- riot,
- riotousness,
- rise,
- rising,
- river,
- rivulet,
- roll,
- roll on,
- rotate,
- row,
- run,
- run over,
- runnel,
- rush,
- sashay,
- scads,
- see the light,
- seethe,
- series,
- set,
- shift,
- shoot,
- show,
- show up,
- shower,
- shower down,
- sideward motion,
- sink,
- sinking,
- skimmington,
- slide,
- slip,
- soar,
- soaring,
- solar rays,
- spate,
- spatter,
- spin,
- spit,
- spout,
- sprinkle,
- spurt,
- squirt,
- sternway,
- stir,
- streak,
- stream forth,
- stream of air,
- stream of light,
- streamer,
- streamlet,
- strike the eye,
- string,
- subside,
- subsiding,
- substantiality,
- substantialness,
- succession,
- superabundance,
- surge,
- surge back,
- swarm,
- swarm with,
- swing,
- tail wind,
- tattoo,
- teem,
- teem with,
- teemingness,
- tenor,
- the general tendency,
- the main course,
- throng,
- tide,
- time spirit,
- tone,
- torrent,
- train,
- traject,
- trajet,
- travel,
- trend,
- tributary,
- turn up,
- ultraviolet ray,
- undercurrent,
- undertow,
- unite,
- updraft,
- upward motion,
- vapor trail,
- violet ray,
- vortex,
- wake,
- walk,
- wane,
- wash,
- water flow,
- watercourse,
- waterway,
- wayfare,
- wealth,
- weep,
- wend,
- whirl,
- wind