Exact Match:
- supportive
- furnishing support or assistance; "a supportive family network"; "his family was supportive of his attempts to be a writer"
- assuring,
- auspicious,
- bearing,
- bolstering,
- bracing,
- bright with promise,
- burdened,
- buttressing,
- carrying,
- cheering,
- comforting,
- condolatory,
- condolent,
- condoling,
- confirmative,
- confirmatory,
- confirming,
- consolatory,
- consoling,
- corroborating,
- corroborative,
- corroboratory,
- encouraging,
- favorable,
- full of promise,
- heartening,
- helpful,
- holding,
- hospitable,
- inspiring,
- inspiriting,
- looking up,
- maintaining,
- of good comfort,
- of promise,
- pregnant of good,
- promising,
- propitious,
- propping,
- reassuring,
- relieving,
- shoring,
- substantiating,
- supporting,
- suspensory,
- sustaining,
- sustentative,
- sympathetic,
- understanding,
- upholding,
- verificative,
- verifying