the faculty through which the external world is apprehended; "in the dark he had to depend on touch and on his senses of smell and hearing"
a general conscious awareness; "a sense of security"; "a sense of happiness"; "a sense of danger"; "a sense of self"
a natural appreciation or ability; "a keen musical sense"; "a good sense of timing"
the meaning of a word or expression; the way in which a word or expression or situation can be interpreted; "the dictionary gave several senses for the word"; "in the best sense charity is really a duty"; "the signifier is linked to the signified"
comprehend; "I sensed the real meaning of his letter"
become aware of not through the senses but instinctively; "I sense his hostility"
detect some circumstance or entity automatically; "This robot can sense the presence of people in the room"; "particle detectors sense ionization"
manual stimulation of the genital area for sexual pleasure; "the girls hated it when he tried to sneak a feel"
an intuitive awareness; "he has a feel for animals" or "it's easy when you get the feel of it";
seem with respect to a given sensation given; "My cold is gone--I feel fine today"; "She felt tired after the long hike"
have a feeling or perception about oneself in reaction to someone's behavior or attitude; "She felt small and insignificant"; "You make me feel naked"; "I made the students feel different about themselves"
examine by touch; "Feel this soft cloth!"; "The customer fingered the sweater"
pass one's hands over the sexual organs of; "He felt the girl in the movie theater"
undergo an emotional sensation; "She felt resentful"; "He felt regret"
perceive by a physical sensation, e.g., coming from the skin or muscles; "He felt the wind"; "She felt an object brushing her arm"; "He felt his flesh crawl"; "She felt the heat when she got out of the car"
undergo passive experience of:"We felt the effects of inflation"; "her fingers felt their way through the string quartet"; "she felt his contempt of her"
grope or feel in search of something; "He felt for his wallet"
produce a certain impression; "It feels nice to be home again"
find by testing or cautious exploration; "He felt his way around the dark room"
be felt or perceived in a certain way; "The ground feels shaky"; "The sheets feel soft"
an essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone; "the quality of mercy is not strained"--Shakespeare
a degree or grade of excellence or worth; "the quality of students has risen"; "an executive of low caliber"
a characteristic property that defines the apparent individual nature of something; "each town has a quality all its own"; "the radical character of our demands"
high social status; "a man of quality"
of high social status; "people of quality"; "a quality family"
the musical interval between one note and another four notes away from it
following the third position; number four in a countable series
coming next after the third and just before the fifth in position or time or degree or magnitude; "the quaternary period of geologic time extends from the end of the tertiary period to the present"
a disposition to exhibit uncontrolled anger; "his temper was well known to all his employees"
the elasticity and hardness of a metal object; its ability to absorb considerable energy before cracking
a characteristic (habitual or relatively temporary) state of feeling; "whether he praised or cursed me depended on his temper at the time"; "he was in a bad humor"
make more temperate, acceptable, or suitable by adding something else; moderate; "she tempered her criticism"
adjust the pitch (of pianos)
harden by reheating and cooling in oil; "temper steel"
the qualities of a hero or heroine; exceptional or heroic courage when facing danger (especially in battle); "he showed great heroism in battle"; "he received a medal for valor"
a category of things distinguished by some common characteristic or quality; "sculpture is a form of art"; "what kinds of desserts are there?"
tolerant and forgiving under provocation; "our neighbor was very kind about the window our son broke"
agreeable, conducive to comfort; "a dry climate kind to asthmatics"; "the genial sunshine";"hot summer pavements are anything but kind to the feet"
having or showing a tender and considerate and helpful nature; used especially of persons and their behavior; "kind to sick patients"; "a kind master"; "kind words showing understanding and sympathy"; "thanked her for her kind letter"