Exact Match:
- trouble
- an effort that is inconvenient; "I went to a lot of trouble"; "he won without any trouble"; "had difficulty walking"; "finished the test only with great difficulty"
- a source of difficulty; "one trouble after another delayed the job"; "what's the problem?"
- an event causing distress or pain; "what is the trouble?"; "heart trouble"
- an unwanted pregnancy; "he got several girls in trouble"
- to cause inconvenience or discomfort to; "Sorry to trouble you, but..."
- Dutch,
- abuse a privilege,
- ado,
- adverse circumstances,
- adversity,
- afflict,
- affliction,
- aggravate,
- aggravation,
- agitate,
- agitation,
- ail,
- ailment,
- alarm,
- all-overs,
- angst,
- anguish,
- annoy,
- annoyance,
- anxiety,
- anxiety hysteria,
- anxiety neurosis,
- anxious bench,
- anxious concern,
- anxious seat,
- anxiousness,
- apprehension,
- apprehensiveness,
- awkwardness,
- bad news,
- be concerned,
- be the matter,
- beat,
- beat up,
- bedevilment,
- beset,
- besetment,
- bind,
- bitter cup,
- bitter draft,
- bitter draught,
- bitter pill,
- blight,
- bore,
- bother,
- botheration,
- bothersomeness,
- brawl,
- broil,
- brouhaha,
- bug,
- bummer,
- burden,
- burden of care,
- burdening,
- burthen,
- bustle,
- can of worms,
- cankerworm of care,
- care,
- cargo,
- charge,
- charging,
- churn,
- churn up,
- clumsiness,
- commotion,
- complaint,
- complicate matters,
- concern,
- concernment,
- convulse,
- crashing bore,
- cross,
- crown of thorns,
- cumbrance,
- curse,
- deadweight,
- defect,
- demand,
- destroy,
- devilment,
- difficulties,
- difficulty,
- disability,
- disaccommodate,
- disadvantage,
- disarrange,
- discombobulate,
- discomfit,
- discomfort,
- discommode,
- discommodity,
- discompose,
- disconcert,
- discord,
- discountenance,
- disease,
- disoblige,
- disorder,
- dispute,
- disquiet,
- disquietude,
- dissatisfaction,
- distract,
- distress,
- disturb,
- disturbance,
- dogging,
- donnybrook,
- donnybrook fair,
- downer,
- drag,
- dread,
- dustup,
- effort,
- elbow grease,
- electrify,
- embarrassment,
- embroil,
- embroilment,
- encroach upon,
- encumber,
- encumbrance,
- endeavor,
- energy,
- evil,
- exaction,
- exasperate,
- exasperation,
- excite,
- exertion,
- fear,
- ferment,
- fight,
- fighting,
- flurry,
- fluster,
- flutter,
- foofaraw,
- foreboding,
- forebodingness,
- fracas,
- frazzle,
- free-for-all,
- freight,
- freighting,
- fret,
- fuss,
- gall,
- gall and wormwood,
- give concern,
- great ado,
- grief,
- grievance,
- grieve,
- hamper,
- handicap,
- harass,
- harassment,
- hard knocks,
- hard life,
- hard lot,
- hard pull,
- hardcase,
- hardship,
- harm,
- harry,
- harrying,
- hassle,
- haunt,
- headache,
- heckler,
- hector,
- helter-skelter,
- hot water,
- hounding,
- hubbub,
- illness,
- impediment,
- impedimenta,
- impose,
- impose on,
- impose upon,
- imposing an onus,
- imposition,
- in a mess,
- in a pickle,
- in a predicament,
- in a scrape,
- in trouble,
- incommode,
- incommodity,
- inconsiderateness,
- inconvenience,
- inconveniency,
- inconvenientness,
- infliction,
- inquietude,
- intrude,
- irk,
- irritate,
- irritation,
- jar,
- jolt,
- laying on,
- load,
- load with care,
- loading,
- loading down,
- long pull,
- lumber,
- make free with,
- malaise,
- matter,
- melee,
- might and main,
- misgiving,
- molestation,
- muscle,
- nag,
- nerve and sinew,
- nervous strain,
- nervous tension,
- nervousness,
- nettle,
- nudnik,
- nuisance,
- obtrude upon,
- obtrusiveness,
- on the spot,
- onus,
- oppression,
- outbreak,
- overanxiety,
- overstep,
- pack,
- pack of troubles,
- paddle,
- pain,
- pains,
- peck of troubles,
- pell-mell,
- penalty,
- perplex,
- persecution,
- perturb,
- perturbate,
- perturbation,
- pest,
- pester,
- pins and needles,
- plague,
- plight,
- pother,
- predicament,
- pressure,
- presume on,
- presume upon,
- presumptuousness,
- problem,
- provoke,
- psych,
- pucker,
- put about,
- put out,
- put to inconvenience,
- put to it,
- put to trouble,
- puzzle,
- racket,
- rampage,
- rebellion,
- revolt,
- rigor,
- rile,
- riot,
- ripple,
- rock,
- roil,
- rough-and-tumble,
- roughen,
- roughhouse,
- row,
- rowel,
- ruckus,
- ruction,
- ruffle,
- rumple,
- rumpus,
- scramble,
- sea of troubles,
- shake,
- shake up,
- shindy,
- shock,
- sickness,
- skirmish,
- solicitude,
- sorrow,
- spook,
- stagger,
- stew,
- stir,
- stir up,
- strain,
- stress,
- stress of life,
- strife,
- suffering,
- suspense,
- swirl,
- take a liberty,
- take liberties,
- take pains,
- tasking,
- taxing,
- tension,
- thank,
- thorn,
- throw,
- throw into confusion,
- to-do,
- torment,
- tormenter,
- trial,
- tribulation,
- troubles,
- troublesomeness,
- try,
- tumult,
- turbulence,
- turmoil,
- uneasiness,
- unhandiness,
- unpleasantness,
- unquietness,
- unrest,
- unsettle,
- unwarranted demand,
- unwieldiness,
- uprising,
- uproar,
- upset,
- vale of tears,
- vex,
- vexation,
- vexatiousness,
- vicissitude,
- waters of bitterness,
- weigh down,
- weight,
- weighting,
- while,
- whip,
- whip up,
- whisk,
- white elephant,
- woe,
- work up,
- worriment,
- worry,
- zeal