Exact Match:
- vacancy
- being unoccupied
- absence,
- absence of mind,
- appointment,
- bareness,
- barrenness,
- berth,
- billet,
- blank,
- blank mind,
- blankmindedness,
- blankness,
- bleakness,
- breach,
- calm of mind,
- deficiency,
- deprivation,
- desertedness,
- desolateness,
- employment,
- emptiness,
- emptiness of mind,
- empty-headedness,
- engagement,
- fallow mind,
- fatuity,
- foolishness,
- gap,
- gig,
- hiatus,
- hollowness,
- inanition,
- inanity,
- incomprehension,
- incumbency,
- jejunity,
- job,
- lacuna,
- mental blankness,
- mental void,
- moonlighting,
- negation,
- negativeness,
- negativity,
- nihility,
- nirvana,
- nonbeing,
- nonentity,
- nonexistence,
- noninhabitance,
- nonoccupance,
- nonoccupancy,
- nonoccurrence,
- nonreality,
- nonresidence,
- nonsubsistence,
- not-being,
- nothingness,
- nullity,
- oblivion,
- office,
- opening,
- passivity,
- place,
- place open,
- position,
- post,
- quietism,
- second job,
- service,
- situation,
- slot,
- station,
- tabula rasa,
- tenure,
- thoughtfreeness,
- thoughtlessness,
- tranquillity,
- unactuality,
- unawareness,
- unintelligence,
- unreality,
- vacant post,
- vacuity,
- vacuousness,
- vacuum,
- vapidity,
- void,
- voidness