a typeface (based on an 18th century design by Gianbattista Bodoni) distinguished by regular shape and hairline serifs and heavy downstrokes
a contemporary person
characteristic of present-day art and music and literature and architecture
used of a living language; being the current stage in its development; "Modern English"; "New Hebrew is Israeli Hebrew"
belonging to the modern era; since the Middle Ages; "modern art"; "modern furniture"; "modern history"; "totem poles are modern rather than prehistoric"
something that comes into existence as a result; "industrialism prepared the way for acceptance of the French Revolution's various socialistic offspring"; "this skyscraper is the solid materialization of his efforts"
the immediate descendants of a person; "she was the mother of many offspring"; "he died without issue"
a world organization of autonomous states that are united in allegiance to a central power but are not subordinate to it or to one another
the official name of some states in the United States (Massachusetts and Pennsylvania and Virginia and Kentucky) and associated territories (Puerto Rico)
the act of populating (causing to live in a place); "he deplored the population of colonies with convicted criminals"
(statistics) the entire aggregation of items from which samples can be drawn; "it is an estimate of the mean of the population"
a group of organisms of the same species populating a given area; "they hired hunters to keep down the deer population"
the people who inhabit a territory or state; "the population seemed to be well fed and clothed"
the number of inhabitants (either the total number or the number of a particular race or class) in a given place (country or city etc.); "people come and go, but the population of this town has remained approximately constant for the past decade"; "the African-American population of Salt Lake City has been increasing"