establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment; "The experiment demonstrated the instability of the compound"; "The mathematician showed the validity of the conjecture"
prove formally; demonstrate by a mathematical, formal proof
obtain probate of; "prove a will"
take a trial impression of
be shown or be found to be; "She proved to be right"; "The medicine turned out to save her life"; "She turned up HIV positive"
either of two bean-shaped excretory organs that filter wastes (especially urea) from the blood and excrete them and water in urine; "urine passes out of the kidney through ureters to the bladder"
come to believe on the basis of emotion, intuitions, or indefinite grounds; "I feel that he doesn't like me"; "I find him to be obnoxious"; "I found the movie rather entertaining"
succeed in reaching; arrive at; "The arrow found its mark"
perceive oneself to be in a certain condition or place; "I found myself in a difficult situation"; "When he woke up, he found himself in a hospital room"
obtain through effort or management; "She found the time and energy to take care of her aging parents"; "We found the money to send our sons to college"
come upon, as if by accident; meet with; "We find this idea in Plato"; "I happened upon the most wonderful bakery not very far from here"; "She chanced upon an interesting book in the bookstore the other day"
come upon after searching; find the location of something that was missed or lost; "Did you find your glasses?"; "I cannot find my gloves!"
think of, regard, or classify under a subsuming principle or with a general group or in relation to another; "This plant can be referred to a known species"
send or direct for treatment, information, or a decision; "refer a patient to a specialist"; "refer a bill to a committee"
have to do with or be relevant to; "There were lots of questions referring to her talk"; "My remark pertained to your earlier comments"
inspiring awe or admiration or wonder; "New York is an amazing city"; "the Grand Canyon is an awe-inspiring sight"; "the awesome complexity of the universe"; "this sea, whose gently awful stirrings seem to speak of some hidden soul beneath"- Melville; "Westminster Hall's awing majesty, so vast, so high, so silent"
surprising greatly; "she does an amazing amount of work"; "the dog was capable of astonishing tricks"