the position of greatest importance or advancement; the leading position in any movement or field; "the Cotswolds were once at the forefront of woollen manufacturing in England"; "the idea of motion was always to the forefront of his mind and central to his philosophy"
be left; of persons, questions, problems, results, evidence, etc.; "There remains the question of who pulled the trigger"; "Carter remains the only President in recent history under whose Presidency the U.S. did not fight a war"
a thin layer covering the surface of a liquid; "there was a thin skim of oil on the water"
used of milk and milk products from which the cream has been removed; "yogurt made with skim milk"; "she can drink skimmed milk but should avoid butter"
read superficially
remove from the surface; "skim cream from the surface of milk"
coat (a liquid) with a layer
cause to skip over a surface; "Skip a stone across the pond"
an analysis (often in graphical form) representing the extent to which something exhibits various characteristics; "a biochemical profile of blood"; "a psychological profile of serial killers"
a vertical section of the Earth's crust showing the different horizons or layers
a side view representation of an object (especially a human face)
represent in profile, by drawing or painting
write about; "The author of this article profiles a famous painter"
selling (an article or cartoon) for publication in many magazines or newspapers at the same time; "he received a comfortable income from the syndication of his work"