- Z,
- annihilation,
- apodosis,
- bane,
- biological death,
- catastrophe,
- ceasing,
- cessation,
- cessation of life,
- clinical death,
- coda,
- conclusion,
- consummation,
- crack of doom,
- crossing the bar,
- culmination,
- curtain,
- death,
- death knell,
- debt of nature,
- decease,
- demise,
- denouement,
- departure,
- destination,
- destiny,
- dissolution,
- doom,
- dying,
- ebb of life,
- effect,
- end,
- end of life,
- end point,
- ending,
- envoi,
- epilogue,
- eschatology,
- eternal rest,
- exit,
- expiration,
- extinction,
- extinguishment,
- fate,
- final solution,
- final summons,
- final twitch,
- final words,
- finale,
- finality,
- finger of death,
- finis,
- finish,
- goal,
- going,
- going off,
- grave,
- hand of death,
- izzard,
- jaws of death,
- knell,
- last,
- last breath,
- last debt,
- last gasp,
- last muster,
- last rest,
- last roundup,
- last sleep,
- last things,
- last trumpet,
- last words,
- latter end,
- leaving life,
- loss of life,
- making an end,
- omega,
- parting,
- passing,
- passing away,
- passing over,
- payoff,
- period,
- perishing,
- peroration,
- quietus,
- release,
- resolution,
- rest,
- resting place,
- reward,
- sentence of death,
- shades of death,
- shadow of death,
- silence,
- sleep,
- somatic death,
- stoppage,
- stopping place,
- summons of death,
- swan song,
- term,
- terminal,
- termination,
- terminus,
- windup