a contestant who meets certain requirements and so qualifies to take part in the next stage of competition; "the tournament was won by a late qualifier"
drawing a figure satisfying certain conditions as part of solving a problem or proving a theorem; "the assignment was to make a construction that could be used in proving the Pythagorean theorem"
the act of constructing something; "during the construction we had to take a detour"; "his hobby was the building of boats"
the commercial activity involved in repairing old structures or constructing new ones; "their main business is home construction"; "workers in the building trades"
the creation of a construct; the process of combining ideas into a congruous object of thought
a group of words that form a constituent of a sentence and are considered as a single unit; "I concluded from his awkward constructions that he was a foreigner"
an interpretation of a text or action; "they put an unsympathetic construction on his conduct"
acceleration of a chemical reaction induced the presence of material that is chemically unchanged at the end of the reaction; "of the top 50 commodity chemicals, 30 are created directly by catalysis and another 6 are made from raw materials that are catalytically produced"
a behavioral convention or pattern characteristic of all members of a particular culture or of all human beings; "some form of religion seems to be a human universal"
(logic) a proposition that asserts something of all members of a class
(linguistics) a grammatical rule (or other linguistic feature) that is found in all languages
adapted to various purposes, sizes, forms, operations; "universal wrench", "universal chuck"; "universal screwdriver"
applicable to or common to all members of a group or set; "the play opened to universal acclaim"; "rap enjoys universal appeal among teenage boys"
a member of the Union Army during the American Civil War
national; especially in reference to the government of the United States as distinct from that of its member units; "the Federal Bureau of Investigation"; "federal courts"; "the federal highway program"; "federal property"
characterized by or constituting a form of government in which power is divided between one central and several regional authorities; "a federal system like that of the United States"; "federal governments often evolved out of confederations"
of or relating to the central government of a federation; "a federal district is one set aside as the seat of the national government"
keep in mind or convey as a conviction or view; "take for granted"; "view as important"; "hold these truths to be self-evident"; "I hold him personally responsible"