not dependent on or conditioned by or relative to anything else
not contingent
free from external control and constraint; "an independent mind"; "a series of independent judgments"; "fiercely independent individualism"; "an independent republic"
(of a clause) capable of standing syntactically alone as a complete sentence; "the main (or independent) clause in a complex sentence has at least a subject and a verb"
the act of going from one place to another; "he enjoyed selling but he hated the travel"
change location; move, travel, or proceed; "How fast does your new car go?"; "We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus"; "The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect"; "The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell"
undergo transportation as in a vehicle; "We travelled North on Rte. 508"
make a trip for pleasure
undertake a journey or trip
travel upon or across; "travel the oceans"
travel from place to place, as for the purpose of finding work, preaching, or acting as a judge
giving careful attention to detail; hard to please; excessively concerned with cleanliness; "a fastidious and incisive intellect"; "fastidious about personal cleanliness"
having complicated nutritional requirements; especially growing only in special artificial cultures; "fastidious microorganisms"; "certain highly specialized xerophytes are extremely exacting in their requirements"
payment extorted by gangsters on threat of violence; "every store in the neighborhood had to pay him protection"
the activity of protecting someone or something; "the witnesses demanded police protection"
the imposition of duties or quotas on imports in order to protect domestic industry against foreign competition; "he made trade protection a plank in the party platform"
the condition of being protected; "they were huddled together for protection"; "he enjoyed a sense of peace and protection in his new home"
a cutting tool that is fitted into a diestock and used for cutting male (external) screw threads on screws or bolts or pipes or rods
suffer spiritual death; be damned (in the religious sense); "Whosoever..believes in me shall never die"
disappear or come to an end; "Their anger died"; "My secret will die with me!"
pass from physical life and lose all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life; "She died from cancer"; "They children perished in the fire"; "The patient went peacefully"; "The old guy kicked the bucket at the age of 102"
lose sparkle or bouquet; "wine and beer can pall"
to be on base at the end of an inning, of a player
cut or shape with a die; "Die out leather for belts"
be brought to or as if to the point of death by an intense emotion such as embarrassment, amusement, or shame; "I was dying with embarrassment when my little lie was discovered"; "We almost died laughing during the show"
languish as with love or desire; "She dying for a cigarette"; "I was dying to leave"
feel indifferent towards; "She died to worldly things and eventually entered a monastery"
suffer or face the pain of death; "Martyrs may die every day for their faith"