a public instance of reciting or repeating (from memory) something prepared in advance; "the program included songs and recitations of well-loved poems"
notify, usually in advance; "I warned you that I would ask some difficult questions"
ask to go away; "The old man warned the children off his property"
notify of danger, potential harm, or risk; "The director warned him that he might be fired"; "The doctor warned me about the dangers of smoking"
admonish or counsel in terms of someone's behavior; "I warned him not to go too far"; "I warn you against false assumptions"; "She warned him to be quiet"
enlarge, develop, or increase by degrees or in stages; "build up your savings"
change the use of and make available or usable; "develop land"; "The country developed its natural resources"; "The remote areas of the country were gradually built up"
form or accumulate steadily; "Resistance to the manager's plan built up quickly"; "Pressure is building up at the Indian-Pakistani border"
bolster or strengthen; "We worked up courage"; "build up confidence"; "ramp up security in the airports"