the act of working out the form of something (as by making a sketch or outline or plan); "he contributed to the design of a new instrument"
a decorative or artistic work; "the coach had a design on the doors"
a preliminary sketch indicating the plan for something; "the design of a building"
an arrangement scheme; "the awkward design of the keyboard made operation difficult"; "it was an excellent design for living"; "a plan for seating guests"
intend or have as a purpose; "She designed to go far in the world of business"
design something for a specific role or purpose or effect; "This room is not designed for work"
conceive or fashion in the mind; invent; "She designed a good excuse for not attending classes that day"
make a design of; plan out in systematic, often graphic form; "design a better mousetrap"; "plan the new wing of the museum"
create the design for; create or execute in an artistic or highly skilled manner; "Chanel designed the famous suit"
create designs; "Dupont designs for the house of Chanel"
the act of arranging and adapting a piece of music
an organized structure for arranging or classifying; "he changed the arrangement of the topics"; "the facts were familiar but it was in the organization of them that he was original"; "he tried to understand their system of classification"
an orderly grouping (of things or persons) considered as a unit; the result of arranging; "a flower arrangement"
any structure that branches out from a central support
the representation of a figure or solid on a plane as it would look from a particular direction
a prediction made by extrapolating from past observations
the projection of an image from a film onto a screen
the acoustic phenomenon that gives sound a penetrating quality; "our ukuleles have been designed to have superior sound and projection"; "a prime ingredient of public speaking is projection of the voice"
(psychiatry) a defense mechanism by which your own traits and emotions are attributed to someone else
any solid convex shape that juts out from something
the military forces of a nation; "their military is the largest in the region"; "the military machine is the same one we faced in 1991 but now it is weaker"
associated with or performed by armed services as contrasted with civilians; "military police"
characteristic of or associated with soldiers or the military; "military uniforms"
of or relating to the study of the principles of warfare; "military law"
the images and symbolic representations that are traditionally associated with a person or a subject; "religious iconography"; "the propagandistic iconography of a despot"
the ordinary members of an organization (such as the enlisted soldiers of an army); "the strike was supported by the union rank and file"; "he rose from the ranks to become a colonel"