not subject or susceptible to change or variation in form or quality or nature; "the view of that time was that all species were immutable, created by God"
large in spatial extent or range or scope or quantity; "an extensive Roman settlement in northwest England"; "extended farm lands"; "surgeons with extended experience"; "they suffered extensive damage"
of agriculture; increasing productivity by using large areas with minimal outlay and labor; "producing wheat under extensive conditions"; "agriculture of the extensive type"
lure or entice away from duty, principles, or proper conduct; "She was seduced by the temptation of easy money and started to work in a massage parlor"
induce to have sex; "Harry finally seduced Sally"; "Did you score last night?"; "Harry made Sally"
following accepted customs and proprieties; "conventional wisdom"; "she had strayed from the path of conventional behavior"; "conventional forms of address"
unimaginative and conformist; "conventional bourgeois lives"; "conventional attitudes"
(weapons) using energy for propulsion or destruction that is not nuclear energy; "conventional warfare"; "conventional weapons"
in accord with or being a tradition or practice accepted from the past; "a conventional church wedding with the bride in traditional white"; "the conventional handshake"
conforming with accepted standards; "a conventional view of the world"
without deviation; "the path leads directly to the lake"; "went direct to the office"
in a forthright manner; candidly or frankly; "he didn't answer directly"; "told me straight out"; "came out flat for less work and more pay"
without anyone or anything intervening; "these two factors are directly related"; "he was directly responsible"; "measured the physical properties directly"