lure or entice away from duty, principles, or proper conduct; "She was seduced by the temptation of easy money and started to work in a massage parlor"
induce to have sex; "Harry finally seduced Sally"; "Did you score last night?"; "Harry made Sally"
the act of losing; "everyone expected him to win so his loss was a shock"
the disadvantage that results from losing something; "his loss of credibility led to his resignation"; "losing him is no great deprivation"
the experience of losing a loved one; "he sympathized on the loss of their grandfather"
the amount by which the cost of a business exceeds its revenue; "the company operated at a loss last year"; "the company operated in the red last year"
something that is lost; "the car was a total loss"; "loss of livestock left the rancher bankrupt"
gradual decline in amount or activity; "weight loss"; "a serious loss of business"
give to a charity or good cause; "I donated blood to the Red Cross for the victims of the earthquake"; "donate money to the orphanage"; "She donates to her favorite charity every month"
state insincerely; "He professed innocence but later admitted his guilt"; "She pretended not to have known the suicide bomber"; "She pretends to be an expert on wine"
confess one's faith in, or allegiance to; "The terrorists professed allegiance to the Muslim faith"; "he professes to be a Communist"
practice as a profession, teach, or claim to be knowledgeable about; "She professes organic chemistry"
take vows, as in religious order; "she professed herself as a nun"
receive into a religious order or congregation
state freely; "The teacher professed that he was not generous when it came to giving good grades"