Exact Match:
- pendant
- an adornment that hangs from a piece of jewelry (necklace or earring)
- accession,
- accessory,
- accompaniment,
- addenda,
- addendum,
- additament,
- addition,
- additive,
- additory,
- additum,
- adjunct,
- adjuvant,
- ally,
- alter ego,
- analogon,
- analogue,
- annex,
- annexation,
- appanage,
- appendage,
- appendant,
- appurtenance,
- appurtenant,
- arras,
- associate,
- attachment,
- augment,
- augmentation,
- banner,
- bob,
- brother,
- chandelier,
- close copy,
- close match,
- coattail,
- coda,
- cognate,
- color,
- companion,
- complement,
- concomitant,
- congenator,
- congener,
- continuation,
- coordinate,
- corollary,
- correlate,
- correlative,
- correspondent,
- counterpart,
- curtain,
- drape,
- drapery,
- drop,
- ear lobe,
- earring,
- ensign,
- equivalent,
- extension,
- extrapolation,
- fellow,
- fixture,
- flag,
- flap,
- fringe,
- hammock,
- hanger,
- hanging,
- icicle,
- image,
- increase,
- increment,
- jack,
- kindred spirit,
- lappet,
- like,
- likeness,
- lobation,
- lobe,
- lobule,
- locket,
- mate,
- medallion,
- near duplicate,
- necklace,
- obverse,
- offshoot,
- ornament,
- parallel,
- pendulum,
- pennant,
- pennon,
- picture,
- pigtail,
- plumb bob,
- queue,
- reciprocal,
- reinforcement,
- second self,
- side effect,
- side issue,
- similitude,
- simulacrum,
- sister,
- skirt,
- soul mate,
- stalactite,
- standard,
- streamer,
- such,
- suchlike,
- supplement,
- swing,
- tail,
- tailpiece,
- tally,
- tapestry,
- tassel,
- the like of,
- the likes of,
- tippet,
- trail,
- train,
- twin,
- undergirding,
- uvula,
- wattle