Exact Match:
- possess
- have as an attribute, knowledge, or skill; "he possesses great knowledge about the Middle East"
- enter into and control, as of emotions or ideas; "What possessed you to buy this house?"; "A terrible rage possessed her"
- achieve,
- acquire,
- appreciate,
- apprehend,
- be acquainted with,
- be apprised of,
- be aware of,
- be cognizant of,
- be conscious of,
- be conversant with,
- be enfeoffed of,
- be informed,
- be possessed of,
- be seized of,
- bear,
- bedevil,
- beset,
- bewitch,
- boast,
- captivate,
- carry,
- catch up,
- charm,
- claim,
- clap hands on,
- clasp,
- claw,
- clench,
- clinch,
- clutch,
- cognize,
- come by,
- come into,
- command,
- compel,
- comprehend,
- conceive,
- conceptualize,
- consume,
- contain,
- control,
- demonize,
- devilize,
- diabolize,
- discern,
- dominate,
- drain off,
- draw off,
- drive,
- embody,
- embrace,
- enchant,
- enjoy,
- fathom,
- fill,
- gain,
- get,
- get hold of,
- glom on to,
- govern,
- grab,
- grab hold of,
- grapple,
- grasp,
- grip,
- gripe,
- hant,
- haunt,
- have,
- have and hold,
- have in hand,
- have information about,
- have knowledge of,
- have tenure of,
- hex,
- hold,
- hoodoo,
- hug,
- impel,
- include,
- infatuate,
- jinx,
- ken,
- know,
- lay hands on,
- lay hold of,
- loot,
- make out,
- nail,
- nip,
- nip up,
- not let go,
- obsess,
- obtain,
- occupy,
- overlook,
- own,
- palm,
- partake,
- perceive,
- pillage,
- pocket,
- prehend,
- preoccupy,
- procure,
- realize,
- receive,
- recognize,
- retain,
- savvy,
- secure,
- see,
- seize,
- snap up,
- snatch,
- spook,
- squat,
- squat on,
- steal,
- take,
- take by assault,
- take by storm,
- take hold of,
- take possession,
- take possession of,
- understand,
- usucapt,
- voodoo,
- whip up,
- win,
- witch,
- wot,
- wot of