a small elite group; "it was designed for the discriminating few"
an indefinite but relatively small number; "they bought a case of beer and drank a few"
a quantifier that can be used with count nouns and is often preceded by `a'; a small but indefinite number; "a few weeks ago"; "a few more wagons than usual"; "an invalid's pleasures are few and far between"; "few roses were still blooming"; "few women have led troops in battle"
concerned with or characterized by rigorous or adherence to recognized forms (especially in religion or art); "highly formalized plays like `Waiting for Godot'"
a soft white precious univalent metallic element having the highest electrical and thermal conductivity of any metal; occurs in argentite and in free form; used in coins and jewelry and tableware and photography
having the white lustrous sheen of silver; "a land of silver (or silvern) rivers where the salmon leap"; "repeated scrubbings have given the wood a silvery sheen"
made from or largely consisting of silver; "silver bracelets"
turn silver; "The man's hair silvered very attractively"
make silver in color; "Her worries had silvered her hair"
coat with a layer of silver or a silver amalgam; "silver the necklace"