Exact Match:
- proximate
- very close in space or time; "proximate words"; "proximate houses"
- closest in degree or order (space or time) especially in a chain of causes and effects; "news of his proximate arrival"; "interest in proximate rather than ultimate goals"
- advancing,
- appendant,
- approaching,
- approximate,
- approximating,
- approximative,
- arm-in-arm,
- attracted to,
- burning,
- cheek-by-jowl,
- close,
- coming,
- comparable,
- consequent,
- drawn to,
- ensuing,
- following,
- forthcoming,
- hand-in-hand,
- homologous,
- hot,
- immediate,
- imminent,
- impending,
- intimate,
- like,
- near,
- near the mark,
- nearby,
- nearing,
- nearish,
- next,
- nigh,
- nighish,
- oncoming,
- posterior,
- postpositional,
- postpositive,
- propinque,
- proximal,
- relatable,
- rough,
- rude,
- sequacious,
- sequent,
- sequential,
- side-by-side,
- similar,
- subsequent,
- succeeding,
- successive,
- suffixed,
- to come,
- upcoming,
- vicinal,
- warm