Exact Match:
- quote
- put quote marks around; "Here the author is quoting his colleague"
- repeat a passage from; "He quoted the Bible to her"
- refer to for illustration or proof; "He said he could quote several instances of this behavior"
- name the price of; "quote prices for cars"
- affirm,
- allege,
- assert,
- asseverate,
- aver,
- bring in,
- bring up,
- call to mind,
- call up,
- cite,
- cite a particular,
- come again,
- copy,
- declare,
- demonstrate,
- ditto,
- do a repeat,
- do again,
- do over,
- document,
- double,
- duplicate,
- echo,
- example,
- excerpt,
- exemplify,
- extract,
- give a for-instance,
- illustrate,
- imitate,
- instance,
- itemize,
- mention,
- name,
- nuncupate,
- parrot,
- particularize,
- plagiarize,
- proclaim,
- quotation,
- recite,
- redo,
- redouble,
- reduplicate,
- reecho,
- refer to,
- reference,
- regurgitate,
- reincarnate,
- relate,
- renew,
- repeat,
- reproduce,
- retell,
- revive,
- say again,
- state