Exact Match:
- reaction
- doing something in opposition to another way of doing it that you don't like; "his style of painting was a reaction against cubism"
- a bodily process occurring due to the effect of some foregoing stimulus or agent; "a bad reaction to the medicine"; "his responses have slowed with age"
- an idea evoked by some experience; "his reaction to the news was to start planning what to do"
- extreme conservatism in political or social matters; "the forces of reaction carried the election"
- a response that reveals a person's feelings or attitude; "he was pleased by the audience's reaction to his performance"; "John feared his mother's reaction when she saw the broken lamp"
- (mechanics) the equal and opposite force that is produced when any force is applied to a body; "every action has an equal and opposite reaction"
- Bourbonism,
- Toryism,
- acknowledgment,
- action and reaction,
- aeromotor,
- affect,
- affection,
- answer,
- answering,
- antagonism,
- antipathy,
- antiphon,
- assumption,
- attitude,
- back answer,
- back talk,
- backchat,
- backlash,
- backset,
- backsliding,
- backward motion,
- backward step,
- backwardness,
- backwash,
- brain disease,
- challenge,
- clashing,
- climate of opinion,
- clout,
- collision,
- combative reaction,
- comeback,
- common belief,
- community sentiment,
- compensation,
- complaint,
- conceit,
- concept,
- conception,
- conclusion,
- conflict,
- confutation,
- consensus gentium,
- conservatism,
- conservativeness,
- consideration,
- contradiction,
- contraposition,
- contrariety,
- counteraction,
- counterbalance,
- counterposition,
- counterworking,
- crack-up,
- crankiness,
- crotchetiness,
- defiance,
- demur,
- die-hardism,
- dispute,
- dissent,
- dissentience,
- echo,
- effect,
- emotion,
- emotional charge,
- emotional disorder,
- emotional instability,
- emotional shade,
- estimate,
- estimation,
- ethos,
- evasive reply,
- experience,
- extreme right,
- extreme right wing,
- extreme rightism,
- eye,
- feedback,
- feeling,
- feeling tone,
- force,
- foreboding,
- fractiousness,
- friction,
- functional nervous disorder,
- general belief,
- gut reaction,
- heartthrob,
- idea,
- impact,
- impress,
- impression,
- imprint,
- insanity,
- interference,
- jet power,
- jet propulsion,
- judgment,
- kick,
- know-nothingism,
- laissez-faireism,
- lapse,
- lights,
- maladjustment,
- manic-depressive psychosis,
- mark,
- melancholia,
- mental disorder,
- mental illness,
- mind,
- monarchism,
- mystique,
- negativism,
- nervous breakdown,
- nervous disorder,
- neurosis,
- nonconformity,
- noncooperation,
- notion,
- objection,
- observation,
- obstinacy,
- old school tie,
- opinion,
- opposition,
- opposure,
- oppugnance,
- oppugnancy,
- paranoia,
- passion,
- passive resistance,
- personal judgment,
- personality disorder,
- perverseness,
- point of view,
- popular belief,
- position,
- posture,
- power plant,
- presentiment,
- presumption,
- prevailing belief,
- print,
- problems in living,
- profound sense,
- protest,
- psychosis,
- public belief,
- public opinion,
- radical rightism,
- ram-jet propulsion,
- reaction propulsion,
- reactionariness,
- reactionaryism,
- ready reply,
- rebuff,
- recalcitrance,
- recalcitrancy,
- recalcitration,
- receipt,
- recession,
- recidivation,
- recidivism,
- reciprocation,
- recoil,
- reentry,
- reflex,
- refluence,
- reflux,
- refractoriness,
- regress,
- regression,
- rejoinder,
- relapse,
- reluctance,
- remonstrance,
- renitence,
- renitency,
- repartee,
- repellence,
- repellency,
- repercussion,
- replication,
- reply,
- repost,
- reprisal,
- repugnance,
- repulse,
- repulsion,
- rescript,
- rescription,
- resistance,
- resojet propulsion,
- respondence,
- response,
- responsion,
- responsory,
- retaliation,
- retort,
- retroaction,
- retrocession,
- retroflexion,
- retrogradation,
- retrogression,
- retrusion,
- return,
- revenge,
- reverberation,
- revolt,
- rightism,
- riposte,
- rocket power,
- rocket propulsion,
- rollback,
- royalism,
- schizophrenia,
- sensation,
- sense,
- sentiment,
- setback,
- short answer,
- sight,
- snappy comeback,
- social Darwinism,
- social maladjustment,
- stance,
- stand,
- standpattism,
- sternway,
- swimming upstream,
- theory,
- thinking,
- thought,
- throwback,
- turbojet propulsion,
- ultraconservatism,
- uncooperativeness,
- undercurrent,
- unprogressiveness,
- view,
- way of thinking,
- withstanding,
- witty reply,
- witty retort,
- yes-and-no answer