an investigation seeking answers; "a thorough search of the ledgers revealed nothing"; "the outcome justified the search"
boarding and inspecting a ship on the high seas; "right of search"
the activity of looking thoroughly in order to find something or someone
the examination of alternative hypotheses; "his search for a move that would avoid checkmate was unsuccessful"
an operation that determines whether one or more of a set of items has a specified property; "they wrote a program to do a table lookup"
try to locate or discover, or try to establish the existence of; "The police are searching for clues"; "They are searching for the missing man in the entire county"
subject to a search; "The police searched the suspect"; "We searched the whole house for the missing keys"
search or seek; "We looked all day and finally found the child in the forest"; "Look elsewhere for the perfect gift!"
the act of working out the form of something (as by making a sketch or outline or plan); "he contributed to the design of a new instrument"
a decorative or artistic work; "the coach had a design on the doors"
a preliminary sketch indicating the plan for something; "the design of a building"
an arrangement scheme; "the awkward design of the keyboard made operation difficult"; "it was an excellent design for living"; "a plan for seating guests"
intend or have as a purpose; "She designed to go far in the world of business"
design something for a specific role or purpose or effect; "This room is not designed for work"
conceive or fashion in the mind; invent; "She designed a good excuse for not attending classes that day"
make a design of; plan out in systematic, often graphic form; "design a better mousetrap"; "plan the new wing of the museum"
create the design for; create or execute in an artistic or highly skilled manner; "Chanel designed the famous suit"
create designs; "Dupont designs for the house of Chanel"
elaboration of an interpretation by the use of decorative (sometimes fictitious) detail; "the mystery has been heightened by many embellishments in subsequent retellings"
vegetation that has grown; "a growth of trees"; "the only growth was some salt grass"
something grown or growing; "a growth of hair"
(biology) the process of an individual organism growing organically; a purely biological unfolding of events involved in an organism changing gradually from a simple to a more complex level; "he proposed an indicator of osseous development in children"
a progression from simpler to more complex forms; "the growth of culture"
(pathology) an abnormal proliferation of tissue (as in a tumor)