Exact Match:
- revelation
- an enlightening or astonishing disclosure
- the last book of the New Testament; contains visionary descriptions of heaven and of conflicts between good and evil and of the end of the world; attributed to Saint John the apostle
- communication of knowledge to man by a divine or supernatural agency
- Christophany,
- Satanophany,
- admission,
- afflatus,
- angelophany,
- announcement,
- apocalypse,
- apparition,
- appearance,
- appearing,
- arising,
- astonishment,
- avatar,
- baring,
- blockbuster,
- blow,
- bomb,
- bombshell,
- bringing to light,
- bulletin,
- casual discovery,
- catch,
- catching,
- chance discovery,
- coming,
- coming into being,
- coming-forth,
- communique,
- confession,
- declaration,
- detection,
- determination,
- determining,
- direct communication,
- discernibleness,
- disclosing,
- disclosure,
- discovering,
- discovery,
- dissemination,
- distinguishment,
- divine inspiration,
- divine revelation,
- earthshaker,
- embodiment,
- emergence,
- epiphany,
- espial,
- evidence,
- evincement,
- excavation,
- exhumation,
- expose,
- exposition,
- exposure,
- expression,
- eye-opener,
- find,
- finding,
- finding out,
- forthcoming,
- incarnation,
- indication,
- information,
- inspiration,
- invention,
- issuance,
- joker,
- kicker,
- laying bare,
- leak,
- locating,
- location,
- lucky strike,
- manifestation,
- materialization,
- materializing,
- mystical experience,
- mysticism,
- news,
- observability,
- occurrence,
- opening,
- oracle,
- outcrop,
- outcropping,
- patefaction,
- perceptibility,
- peripeteia,
- pneumatophany,
- presentation,
- proclamation,
- pronouncement,
- proof,
- prophecy,
- publication,
- realization,
- recognition,
- rediscovery,
- removing the veil,
- revealing,
- revealment,
- rise,
- rising,
- seeableness,
- serendipity,
- shocker,
- showing,
- showing forth,
- showing up,
- showup,
- spotting,
- staggerer,
- startler,
- statement,
- strike,
- stripping,
- surprisal,
- surprise,
- surprise ending,
- surprise package,
- surprise party,
- switch,
- the seen,
- the visible,
- theophania,
- theophany,
- theopneustia,
- theopneusty,
- thunderbolt,
- thunderclap,
- treasure trove,
- trouvaille,
- trove,
- uncloaking,
- uncovering,
- unearthing,
- unfolding,
- unfoldment,
- unmasking,
- unveiling,
- unwrapping,
- visibility,
- visibleness,
- vision,
- visuality,
- what is revealed