Exact Match:
- star
- (astronomy) a celestial body of hot gases that radiates energy derived from thermonuclear reactions in the interior
- any celestial body visible (as a point of light) from the Earth at night
- an actor who plays a principal role
- a plane figure with 5 or more points; often used as an emblem
- mark with an asterisk; "Linguists star unacceptable sentences"
- be the star in a performance
- feature as the star; "The movie stars Dustin Hoffman as an autistic man"
- A per se,
- Aldebaran,
- Canicula,
- Dog Star,
- Hershey bar,
- Hesper,
- Hesperus,
- Lucifer,
- North Star,
- Phosphor,
- Phosphorus,
- Polaris,
- Sirius,
- VIP,
- Venus,
- Vesper,
- accent,
- accentuate,
- ace,
- act,
- act as foil,
- amount to something,
- appear,
- arch,
- aviation badge,
- badge,
- banner,
- bar,
- barnstorm,
- be a gas,
- be a hit,
- be featured,
- be prominent,
- be somebody,
- be something,
- belabor,
- big name,
- big shot,
- bill,
- blue ribbon,
- bomb,
- boss,
- brilliant,
- candle,
- capital,
- cardinal,
- carry weight,
- celeb,
- celebrated,
- celebrity,
- celestial body,
- central,
- champion,
- chevron,
- chicken,
- chief,
- cock,
- come first,
- come out,
- comer,
- comet,
- commander,
- constellation,
- cordon,
- cordon bleu,
- count,
- crackerjack,
- crowning,
- cut ice,
- cut some ice,
- cynosure,
- danseur noble,
- daystar,
- dean,
- decoration,
- decoration of honor,
- dignitary,
- distinguished,
- diva,
- dominant,
- dramatize,
- dwell on,
- eagle,
- electric light bulb,
- electronics king,
- eminent,
- emote,
- emotionalize,
- emphasize,
- epaulet,
- evening star,
- fail,
- famed,
- famous,
- feature,
- feature attraction,
- figure,
- fire,
- first,
- first tragedian,
- first-rater,
- fixed stars,
- flame,
- flop,
- focal,
- folk hero,
- foremost,
- fugleman,
- galaxy,
- garter,
- genius,
- get top billing,
- give emphasis to,
- glim,
- gold star,
- good hand,
- grand cordon,
- great,
- great man,
- harp on,
- hash mark,
- head,
- headline,
- headliner,
- headmost,
- heavenly body,
- heavy lead,
- hegemonic,
- hero,
- heroine,
- higher-up,
- highlight,
- honcho,
- idol,
- illuminant,
- illuminator,
- illustrious,
- immortal,
- import,
- important,
- important person,
- incandescent body,
- incomparable,
- inimitable,
- insignia of branch,
- italicize,
- jeune premier,
- king,
- lamp,
- lantern,
- laureate,
- lead,
- leader,
- leading,
- leading lady,
- leading light,
- leading man,
- light,
- light bulb,
- light source,
- lion,
- living sapphires,
- lodestar,
- luminant,
- luminaries,
- luminary,
- magician,
- magisterial,
- mahatma,
- main,
- major,
- make a hit,
- man of genius,
- man of mark,
- master,
- master hand,
- master spirit,
- mastermind,
- match,
- matchless,
- matter,
- melodramatize,
- mime,
- moon,
- morning star,
- mount,
- name,
- nonpareil,
- notability,
- notable,
- nova,
- oak leaf,
- open,
- open a show,
- orb,
- order,
- organization insignia,
- ornament,
- outrank,
- outstanding,
- overaccentuate,
- overemphasize,
- overruling,
- overseas bar,
- overstress,
- pantomime,
- parachute badge,
- paragon,
- paramount,
- past master,
- patch,
- patter,
- peerless,
- perform,
- person of note,
- personage,
- pip,
- place emphasis on,
- play,
- play first fiddle,
- play the lead,
- playact,
- pleiad,
- point up,
- polar star,
- polestar,
- pop hero,
- popular hero,
- popular idol,
- practiced hand,
- precede,
- predominant,
- preeminent,
- premiere,
- preponderant,
- present,
- prevailing,
- preview,
- prima ballerina,
- prima donna,
- primal,
- primary,
- prime,
- principal,
- prodigy,
- produce,
- prominent,
- protagonist,
- public figure,
- punctuate,
- put on,
- rank,
- rank first,
- rank out,
- ranking,
- red ribbon,
- register,
- riband,
- ribbon,
- rub in,
- ruler,
- ruling,
- sage,
- scenarize,
- senior,
- service stripe,
- set the stage,
- shooting star,
- shoulder patch,
- shoulder sleeve insignia,
- signify,
- singer,
- sketch,
- skilled hand,
- social lion,
- somebody,
- source of light,
- sovereign,
- sphere,
- spotlight,
- spread eagle,
- stage,
- stand out,
- starry host,
- stars,
- steal the show,
- stellar,
- stooge,
- stress,
- stripe,
- submarine badge,
- succeed,
- success,
- sun,
- supereminent,
- superior,
- superman,
- supernova,
- superstar,
- take precedence,
- taper,
- tell,
- the greatest,
- the most,
- theatricalize,
- top,
- top dog,
- topflight,
- topnotcher,
- torch,
- tread the boards,
- troupe,
- try out,
- underline,
- underscore,
- unmatched,
- unparalleled,
- upstage,
- victor,
- virtuoso,
- weigh,
- whiz,
- winner,
- wizard,
- wonder,
- worthy