Exact Match:
- supposition
- the cognitive process of supposing
- allegory,
- allusion,
- apprehension,
- apriorism,
- arcane meaning,
- assumption,
- axiom,
- belief,
- coloration,
- conceit,
- concept,
- conception,
- conjecture,
- connotation,
- fancy,
- guesswork,
- hint,
- hypothesis,
- idea,
- image,
- imago,
- implication,
- implied meaning,
- import,
- impression,
- inference,
- innuendo,
- intellectual object,
- intimation,
- ironic suggestion,
- meaning,
- memory-trace,
- mental image,
- mental impression,
- metaphorical sense,
- notion,
- nuance,
- observation,
- occult meaning,
- opinion,
- overtone,
- perception,
- perhaps,
- posit,
- postulate,
- postulation,
- postulatum,
- premise,
- presumption,
- presupposal,
- presupposition,
- proposal,
- proposition,
- recept,
- reflection,
- representation,
- sentiment,
- set of postulates,
- speculation,
- subsense,
- subsidiary sense,
- suggestion,
- supposal,
- suppose,
- supposing,
- surmise,
- symbolism,
- theory,
- thesis,
- thought,
- tinge,
- touch,
- undercurrent,
- undermeaning,
- undertone,
- working hypothesis