an unintentional but embarrassing blunder; "he recited the whole poem without a single trip"; "he arranged his robes to avoid a trip-up later"; "confusion caused his unfortunate misstep"
a light or nimble tread; "he heard the trip of women's feet overhead"
a journey for some purpose (usually including the return); "he took a trip to the shopping center"
an exciting or stimulating experience
a hallucinatory experience induced by drugs; "an acid trip"
get high, stoned, or drugged; "He trips every weekend"
put in motion or move to act; "trigger a reaction"; "actuate the circuits"
cause to stumble; "The questions on the test tripped him up"
treat manually, as with massage, for therapeutic purposed
hold something in one's hands and move it
control (others or oneself) or influence skillfully, usually to one's advantage; "She manipulates her boss"; "She is a very controlling mother and doesn't let her children grow up"; "The teacher knew how to keep the class in line"; "she keeps in line"
influence or control shrewdly or deviously; "He manipulated public opinion in his favor"
bring into being; "He initiated a new program"; "Start a foundation"
come into existence; take on form or shape; "A new religious movement originated in that country"; "a love that sprang up from friendship"; "the idea for the book grew out of a short story"; "An interesting phenomenon uprose"
begin a trip at a certain point, as of a plane, train, bus, etc.; "The flight originates in Calcutta"
the act of starting something; "he was responsible for the beginning of negotiations"
the first part or section of something; "`It was a dark and stormy night' is a hackneyed beginning for a story"
the event consisting of the start of something; "the beginning of the war"
the place where something begins, where it springs into being; "the Italian beginning of the Renaissance"; "Jupiter was the origin of the radiation"; "Pittsburgh is the source of the Ohio River"; "communism's Russian root"
the time at which something is supposed to begin; "they got an early start"; "she knew from the get-go that he was the man for her"