Exact Match:
- command
- availability for use; "the materials at the command of the potters grew"
- the power or authority to command; "an admiral in command"
- great skillfulness and knowledge of some subject or activity; "a good command of French"
- an authoritative direction or instruction to do something
- a military unit or region under the control of a single officer
- a position of highest authority; "the corporation has just undergone a change in command"
- make someone do something
- be in command of; "The general commanded a huge army"
- demand as one's due; "This speaker commands a high fee"; "The author commands a fair hearing from his readers"
- ability,
- acme,
- address,
- adeptness,
- administer,
- administrate,
- administration,
- adroitness,
- airmanship,
- alphabetic data,
- alphanumeric code,
- angular data,
- animus,
- aplomb,
- appetence,
- appetency,
- appetite,
- apprehension,
- artfulness,
- artisanship,
- artistry,
- ask,
- assembler,
- assurance,
- attract,
- authority,
- authorization,
- be enfeoffed of,
- be expert in,
- be learned in,
- be master,
- be master of,
- be possessed of,
- be responsible for,
- be seized of,
- be up on,
- be well-informed,
- be-all and end-all,
- behest,
- bestraddle,
- bestride,
- bid,
- bidding,
- binary digit,
- binary scale,
- binary system,
- bit,
- blue ribbon,
- boast,
- bravura,
- brilliance,
- bug,
- byte,
- call on,
- call the signals,
- call upon,
- canon,
- capability,
- capacity,
- captain,
- carry on,
- chair,
- championship,
- charge,
- choice,
- choose,
- choose to,
- claim,
- clairvoyance,
- claws,
- clear,
- cleverness,
- clutches,
- coerce,
- command pulses,
- commands,
- commission,
- compel,
- competence,
- compiler,
- comprehension,
- computer code,
- computer language,
- computer program,
- conation,
- conatus,
- conception,
- conceptualization,
- conduct,
- confidence,
- constrain,
- control,
- control signals,
- controlled quantity,
- coordination,
- correcting signals,
- craft,
- craftsmanship,
- cunning,
- data,
- decide,
- decision,
- declare,
- decree,
- deftness,
- demand,
- desire,
- determination,
- determine,
- devoir,
- dexterity,
- dexterousness,
- dextrousness,
- dictate,
- diplomacy,
- direct,
- direction,
- directive,
- directorship,
- discipline,
- discretion,
- disposition,
- dominate,
- domination,
- dominion,
- draw on,
- duty,
- earn,
- effectiveness,
- efficiency,
- empery,
- empire,
- engineer,
- enjoin,
- enjoy,
- error,
- error signals,
- exact,
- expertise,
- expertism,
- expertness,
- eyereach,
- eyeshot,
- eyesight,
- facility,
- fancy,
- feedback pulses,
- feedback signals,
- field of view,
- field of vision,
- fill,
- film data,
- finesse,
- first place,
- first prize,
- force,
- foreknowledge,
- free choice,
- free will,
- give an order,
- give the word,
- govern,
- governance,
- government,
- grace,
- grasp,
- grip,
- gripe,
- guidance,
- hand,
- handiness,
- handle,
- handling,
- hands,
- have,
- have and hold,
- have down pat,
- have in hand,
- have it taped,
- have tenure of,
- head,
- head up,
- headship,
- hegemony,
- height,
- helm,
- hexadecimal system,
- highest,
- hold,
- horizon,
- horsemanship,
- husbandry,
- ideation,
- imperium,
- inclination,
- influence,
- information,
- ingeniousness,
- ingenuity,
- injunction,
- input data,
- input quantity,
- instruct,
- instruction,
- instructions,
- intellection,
- intelligence,
- intention,
- iron hand,
- issue a command,
- issue a writ,
- jurisdiction,
- ken,
- kingship,
- knack,
- know backwards,
- know by heart,
- know damn well,
- know inside out,
- know the ropes,
- know the score,
- know well,
- know-how,
- lad,
- law,
- lead,
- lead on,
- leadership,
- leading,
- liking,
- limit of vision,
- line of sight,
- look down upon,
- lordship,
- lust,
- machine language,
- make the rules,
- manage,
- management,
- managery,
- managing,
- mandate,
- maneuver,
- manipulate,
- manipulation,
- marksmanship,
- master,
- mastermind,
- mastership,
- mastery,
- maximum,
- mental grasp,
- message,
- might,
- mind,
- most,
- multiple messages,
- naked eye,
- ne plus ultra,
- new high,
- noise,
- numeric data,
- objective,
- obligation,
- oblige,
- occupy,
- octal system,
- officer,
- ordain,
- order,
- order about,
- ordering,
- ordinance,
- oscillograph data,
- outlook,
- outlook over,
- output data,
- output quantity,
- outtop,
- overarch,
- overlook,
- overshadow,
- oversight,
- overtop,
- palms,
- paramountcy,
- passion,
- perspective,
- pilotage,
- play,
- pleasure,
- poise,
- polar data,
- possess,
- power,
- practical ability,
- precept,
- precognition,
- prehension,
- prescribe,
- prescript,
- prescription,
- preside over,
- presidency,
- primacy,
- proclaim,
- proficiency,
- promulgate,
- pronounce,
- prospect,
- prowess,
- pull the strings,
- punch-card data,
- quarterback,
- quickness,
- raj,
- random data,
- range,
- readiness,
- record,
- rectangular data,
- reference quantity,
- regnancy,
- regulate,
- regulation,
- reign,
- reins of government,
- request,
- require,
- resolution,
- resolve,
- resource,
- resourcefulness,
- responsibility,
- rise above,
- rule,
- ruly English,
- run,
- running,
- savoir-faire,
- savvy,
- say,
- say the word,
- scan,
- scope,
- scope of vision,
- seamanship,
- see fit,
- sexual desire,
- sight,
- sightliness,
- signals,
- single messages,
- skill,
- skillfulness,
- skipper,
- sovereignty,
- squat,
- squat on,
- stand over,
- statute,
- steerage,
- steering,
- stewardship,
- strings,
- style,
- summon,
- supervise,
- supremacy,
- surmount,
- survey,
- sway,
- tact,
- tactfulness,
- take command,
- take the lead,
- talons,
- teaching,
- technical brilliance,
- technical mastery,
- technical skill,
- technique,
- tell,
- the conn,
- the helm,
- the wheel,
- think fit,
- think good,
- think proper,
- timing,
- top,
- top spot,
- tower above,
- tower over,
- understanding,
- unorganized data,
- usucapt,
- velleity,
- view,
- virtuosity,
- visible-speech data,
- vista,
- volition,
- warn,
- wield authority,
- will,
- will power,
- wisdom,
- wish,
- wit,
- wizardry,
- word,
- workmanship,
- zenith