a commercially sponsored ad on radio or television
connected with or engaged in or sponsored by or used in commerce or commercial enterprises; "commercial trucker"; "commercial TV"; "commercial diamonds"
of the kind or quality used in commerce; average or inferior; "commercial grade of beef"; "commercial oxalic acid"
of or relating to commercialism; "a commercial attache"; "commercial paper"; "commercial law"
commercial enterprises organized and financed on a scale large enough to influence social and political policies; "big business is growing so powerful it is difficult to regulate it effectively"
the difference in value over a period of time of a country's imports and exports of merchandise; "a nation's balance of trade is favorable when its exports exceed its imports"
the service (electric power or water or transportation) provided by a public utility; "the cost of utilities never decreases"; "all the utilities were lost after the hurricane"
a facility composed of one or more pieces of equipment connected to or part of a structure and designed to provide a service such as heat or electricity or water or sewage disposal; "the price of the house included all utilities"
the quality of being of practical use
a company that performs a public service; subject to government regulation
(economics) a measure that is to be maximized in any situation involving choice
incidental activity performed by an actor for dramatic effect; "his business with the cane was hilarious"
the volume of commercial activity; "business is good today"; "show me where the business was today"
a rightful concern or responsibility; "it's none of your business"; "mind your own business"
an immediate objective; "gossip was the main business of the evening"
business concerns collectively; "Government and business could not agree"
a commercial or industrial enterprise and the people who constitute it; "he bought his brother's business"; "a small mom-and-pop business"; "a racially integrated business concern"
former measure of the United States economy; the total market value of goods and services produced by all citizens and capital during a given period (usually 1 yr)
a contract between two or more persons who agree to pool talent and money and share profits or losses
the members of a business venture created by contract
a cooperative relationship between people or groups who agree to share responsibility for achieving some specific goal; "effective language learning is a partnership between school, teacher and student"; "the action teams worked in partnership with the government"
any of various games played on a pool table having 6 pockets
an excavation that is (usually) filled with water
an organization of people or resources that can be shared; "a car pool"; "a secretarial pool"; "when he was first hired he was assigned to the pool"
something resembling a pool of liquid; "he stood in a pool of light"; "his chair sat in a puddle of books and magazines"
a small body of standing water (rainwater) or other liquid; "there were puddles of muddy water in the road after the rain"; "the body lay in a pool of blood"
the combined stakes of the betters
any communal combination of funds; "everyone contributed to the pool"
the act of transacting within or between groups (as carrying on commercial activities); "no transactions are possible without him"; "he has always been honest is his dealings with me"
the amount of activity over a communication system during a given period of time; "heavy traffic overloaded the trunk lines"; "traffic on the internet is lightest during the night"
the aggregation of things (pedestrians or vehicles) coming and going in a particular locality during a specified period of time
trade or deal a commodity; "They trafficked with us for gold"
the trait of believing in the honesty and reliability of others; "the experience destroyed his trust and personal dignity"
a consortium of independent organizations formed to limit competition by controlling the production and distribution of a product or service; "they set up the trust in the hope of gaining a monopoly"
something (as property) held by one party (the trustee) for the benefit of another (the beneficiary); "he is the beneficiary of a generous trust set up by his father"
have confidence or faith in; "We can trust in God"; "Rely on your friends"; "bank on your good education"; "I swear by my grandmother's recipes"
shopping at a market; "does the weekly marketing at the supermarket"
the commercial processes involved in promoting and selling and distributing a product or service; "most companies have a manager in charge of marketing"