a hollow device made of metal that makes a ringing sound when struck
the flared opening of a tubular device
the sound of a bell being struck; "saved by the bell"; "she heard the distant toll of church bells"
United States inventor (born in Scotland) of the telephone (1847-1922)
English painter; sister of Virginia Woolf; prominent member of the Bloomsbury Group (1879-1961)
a phonetician and father of Alexander Graham Bell (1819-1905)
the shape of a bell
(nautical) each of the eight half-hour units of nautical time signaled by strokes of a ship's bell; eight bells signals 4:00, 8:00, or 12:00 o'clock, either a.m. or p.m.
a chess move constituting an inescapable and indefensible attack on the opponent's king
complete victory
place an opponent's king under an attack from which it cannot escape and thus ending the game; "Kasparov checkmated his opponent after only a few moves"
freedom of choice; "liberty of opinion"; "liberty of worship"; "liberty--perfect liberty--to think or feel or do just as one pleases"; "at liberty to choose whatever occupation one wishes"
personal freedom from servitude or confinement or oppression
the weakest effort or poorest achievement one is capable of; "it was the worst he had ever done on a test"
the greatest damage or wickedness of which one is capable; "the invaders did their worst"; "so pure of heart that his worst is another man's best"
the least favorable outcome; "the worst that could happen"
(superlative of `bad') most wanting in quality or value or condition; "the worst player on the team"; "the worst weather of the year"
to the highest degree of inferiority or badness; "She suffered worst of all"; "schools were the worst hit by government spending cuts"; "the worst dressed person present"
defeat thoroughly; "He mopped up the floor with his opponents"