Exact Match:
- direct
- lacking compromising or mitigating elements; exact; "the direct opposite"
- direct in spatial dimensions; proceeding without deviation or interruption; straight and short; "a direct route"; "a direct flight"; "a direct hit"
- (of a current) flowing in one direction only; "direct current"
- extended senses; direct in means or manner or behavior or language or action; "a direct question"; "a direct response"; "a direct approach"
- similar in nature or effect or relation to another quantity; "a term is in direct proportion to another term if it increases (or decreases) as the other increases (or decreases)"
- moving from west to east on the celestial sphere; or--for planets--around the sun in the same direction as the Earth
- having no intervening persons, agents, conditions; "in direct sunlight"; "in direct contact with the voters"; "direct exposure to the disease"; "a direct link"; "the direct cause of the accident"; "direct vote"
- in precisely the same words used by a writer or speaker; "a direct quotation"; "repeated their dialog verbatim"
- being an immediate result or consequence; "a direct result of the accident"
- command with authority; "He directed the children to do their homework"
- give directions to; point somebody into a certain direction; "I directed them towards the town hall"
- guide the actors in (plays and films)
- be in charge of
- Attic,
- Ciceronian,
- Spartan,
- address,
- address to,
- administer,
- administrate,
- advise,
- advocate,
- aim,
- aim at,
- allude to,
- apply,
- appoint,
- arrowlike,
- articulated,
- artless,
- ascetic,
- assign,
- austere,
- bald,
- bare,
- be master,
- be responsible for,
- beam,
- bend,
- bid,
- bluff,
- blunt,
- born yesterday,
- brief,
- bring to attention,
- bring to notice,
- broad,
- broaden the mind,
- brusque,
- buckle down,
- call attention to,
- call on,
- call the shots,
- call the signals,
- call upon,
- candid,
- captain,
- carry on,
- carry out,
- carry through,
- cast,
- catechize,
- categorical,
- catenated,
- ceaseless,
- chair,
- charge,
- chart a course,
- chaste,
- childlike,
- cite,
- civilize,
- classic,
- clean-cut,
- clear,
- clear as crystal,
- clear as day,
- clear-cut,
- close,
- coach,
- coherent,
- command,
- commission,
- common,
- commonplace,
- concatenated,
- cond,
- conduct,
- conduct to,
- confer,
- confiding,
- conn,
- connected,
- consistent,
- constant,
- consult with,
- contiguous,
- continual,
- continued,
- continuing,
- continuous,
- control,
- counsel,
- coxswain,
- crisp,
- crystal-clear,
- crystalline,
- cyclical,
- dead,
- dead ahead,
- dead straight,
- deal with,
- decide,
- declare,
- decree,
- define,
- defined,
- definite,
- delicate,
- demonstrate,
- determine,
- devote,
- dictate,
- diphyletic,
- direct attention to,
- direct to,
- directionize,
- directly,
- discipline,
- dispose,
- distinct,
- divert,
- dominate,
- downright,
- drive,
- dry,
- due,
- due north,
- dull,
- easy,
- edify,
- educate,
- elegant,
- endless,
- engineer,
- enjoin,
- enlighten,
- escort,
- even,
- exact,
- explicit,
- express,
- faithful,
- family,
- fasten,
- featureless,
- fine,
- finished,
- firsthand,
- fix,
- fix on,
- flat,
- focus,
- focus on,
- forthright,
- frank,
- frankhearted,
- free,
- free-speaking,
- free-spoken,
- free-tongued,
- gapless,
- genealogical,
- genuine,
- give,
- give an order,
- give instruction,
- give lessons in,
- give the word,
- govern,
- graceful,
- gracile,
- ground,
- guide,
- guileless,
- handle,
- have the conn,
- head,
- head up,
- heart-to-heart,
- helm,
- hold on,
- homely,
- homespun,
- honest,
- horizontal,
- illumine,
- immediate,
- in a beeline,
- in a line,
- in line with,
- inartificial,
- incessant,
- incline,
- inerrable,
- inerrant,
- infallible,
- inform,
- ingenu,
- ingenuous,
- innocent,
- instruct,
- interminable,
- irreversible,
- issue a command,
- issue a writ,
- joined,
- jointless,
- keep,
- kibitz,
- lay,
- lead,
- lead on,
- lead to,
- lean,
- level,
- level at,
- limpid,
- lineal,
- linear,
- linked,
- literally,
- literatim,
- loud and clear,
- lucid,
- luminous,
- mail,
- make go,
- make the rules,
- manage,
- mandate,
- maneuver,
- manipulate,
- mastermind,
- mathematical,
- matter-of-fact,
- meddle,
- mention,
- microscopic,
- monotonous,
- naive,
- native,
- natural,
- navigate,
- neat,
- never-ending,
- next,
- nice,
- nonstop,
- officer,
- one-way,
- open,
- open the eyes,
- openhearted,
- operate,
- ordain,
- order,
- order about,
- outright,
- outspoken,
- pellucid,
- perennial,
- perform on,
- periodic,
- perspicuous,
- phyletic,
- phylogenetic,
- pick out,
- pilot,
- pinpoint,
- plain,
- plain-speaking,
- plain-spoken,
- play,
- point,
- point at,
- point out,
- point out to,
- point the way,
- point to,
- point-blank,
- polished,
- post,
- practice,
- precise,
- prescribe,
- present,
- preside over,
- primary,
- proclaim,
- promulgate,
- pronounce,
- propose,
- prosaic,
- prosing,
- prosy,
- proximate,
- pull the strings,
- pure,
- put right,
- quarterback,
- recommend,
- rectilineal,
- rectilinear,
- recurrent,
- reeducate,
- refer to,
- refined,
- regulate,
- religious,
- religiously exact,
- repetitive,
- require,
- restrained,
- right,
- rigid,
- rigorous,
- round,
- round-the-clock,
- route,
- rule,
- ruler-straight,
- run,
- running,
- rustic,
- say the word,
- school,
- scientific,
- scientifically exact,
- seamless,
- see,
- see to,
- send,
- serried,
- set,
- set right,
- set straight,
- settle,
- severe,
- shape a course,
- sharpen the wits,
- shepherd,
- shortest,
- show,
- show how,
- show the way,
- sight on,
- simple,
- simple-speaking,
- simplehearted,
- simpleminded,
- sincere,
- single-hearted,
- single-minded,
- skipper,
- smooth,
- sober,
- spare,
- specify,
- square,
- stable,
- stand over,
- stark,
- steady,
- steer,
- straight,
- straight across,
- straight ahead,
- straight-cut,
- straight-front,
- straight-out,
- straight-side,
- straightaway,
- straightforward,
- straightforwards,
- straightly,
- straightway,
- streamlined,
- strict,
- submit,
- subtle,
- suggest,
- superintend,
- superscribe,
- supervise,
- tactless,
- take care of,
- take command,
- take the lead,
- tasteful,
- teach,
- teach a lesson,
- teach the rudiments,
- tell,
- terse,
- through,
- throw,
- to the point,
- touch on,
- train,
- train upon,
- translucent,
- transparent,
- transpicuous,
- trim,
- true,
- trustful,
- trusting,
- turn,
- turn upon,
- twenty-four-hour,
- unadorned,
- unaffected,
- unambiguous,
- unartificial,
- unassuming,
- unbending,
- unbent,
- unbowed,
- unbroken,
- unceasing,
- unchecked,
- unconcealed,
- unconfused,
- unconstrained,
- uncurved,
- undeflected,
- undeviating,
- undeviatingly,
- undifferentiated,
- undiplomatic,
- undisguised,
- undissembled,
- undistorted,
- unending,
- unequivocal,
- unerring,
- unfeigning,
- unguarded,
- unidirectional,
- uniform,
- unimaginative,
- uninhibited,
- unintermitted,
- unintermittent,
- unintermitting,
- uninterrupted,
- univocal,
- unlabored,
- unmistakable,
- unmitigated,
- unobstructed,
- unpoetical,
- unpretending,
- unpretentious,
- unqualified,
- unrelieved,
- unremitting,
- unreserved,
- unrestrained,
- unsophisticated,
- unstopped,
- unsuspicious,
- unswerving,
- unswervingly,
- unturned,
- unvarnished,
- unveeringly,
- unwary,
- upright,
- usher,
- vertical,
- warn,
- wear the pants,
- well-defined,
- wield authority,
- wield the baton,
- word for word,
- work