an individual quantity of food or drink taken as part of a meal; "the helpings were all small"; "his portion was larger than hers"; "there's enough for two servings each"
closely similar or comparable in kind or quality or quantity or degree; "curtains the same color as the walls"; "two girls of the same age"; "mother and son have the same blue eyes"; "animals of the same species"; "the same rules as before"; "two boxes having the same dimensions"; "the same day next year"
same in identity; "the same man I saw yesterday"; "never wore the same dress twice"; "this road is the same one we were on yesterday"; "on the same side of the street"
have offspring or young; "The deer in our neighborhood reproduce madly"; "The Catholic Church tells people to procreate, no matter what their economic situation may be"
make a copy or equivalent of; "reproduce the painting"
recreate an idea, mood, atmosphere, etc. as by artistic means; "He reproduced the feeling of sadness in the portrait"
the atomic weight of an element that has the same combining capacity as a given weight of another element; the standard is 8 for oxygen
a person or thing equal to another in value or measure or force or effect or significance etc; "send two dollars or the equivalent in stamps"
being essentially equal to something; "it was as good as gold"; "a wish that was equivalent to a command"; "his statement was tantamount to an admission of guilt"