observe, check out, and look over carefully or inspect; "The customs agent examined the baggage"; "I must see your passport before you can enter the country"
look forward to the birth of a child; "She is expecting in March"
consider reasonable or due; "I'm expecting a full explanation as to why these files were destroyed"
regard something as probable or likely; "The meteorologists are expecting rain for tomorrow"
look forward to the probable occurrence of; "We were expecting a visit from our relatives"; "She is looking to a promotion"; "he is waiting to be drafted"
march in protest; take part in a demonstration; "Thousands demonstrated against globalization during the meeting of the most powerful economic nations in Seattle"
a writ from a court commanding police to perform specified acts
a type of security issued by a corporation (usually together with a bond or preferred stock) that gives the holder the right to purchase a certain amount of common stock at a stated price; "as a sweetener they offered warrants along with the fixed-income securities"
have recourse to or make an appeal or request for help or information to; "She called on her Representative to help her"; "She turned to her relatives for help"
draw air into, and expel out of, the lungs; "I can breathe better when the air is clean"; "The patient is respiring"
reach full flavor by absorbing air and being let to stand after having been uncorked; "This rare Bordeaux must be allowed to breathe for at least 2 hours"
manifest or evince; "She breathes the Christian spirit"
utter or tell; "not breathe a word"
impart as if by breathing; "He breathed new life into the old house"
be alive; "Every creature that breathes"
allow the passage of air through; "Our new synthetic fabric breathes and is perfect for summer wear"