offensively self-assured or given to exercising usually unwarranted power; "an autocratic person"; "autocratic behavior"; "a bossy way of ordering others around"; "a rather aggressive and dominating character"; "managed the employees in an aloof magisterial way"; "a swaggering peremptory manner"
a variable quantity that can be resolved into components
any agent (person or animal or microorganism) that carries and transmits a disease; "mosquitos are vectors of malaria and yellow fever"; "fleas are vectors of the plague"; "aphids are transmitters of plant diseases"; "when medical scientists talk about vectors they are usually talking about insects"
a straight line segment whose length is magnitude and whose orientation in space is direction
(mathematics) a set of entries in a square matrix running diagonally either from the upper left to lower right entry or running from the upper right to lower left entry
an oblique line of squares of the same color on a checkerboard; "the bishop moves on the diagonals"
a line or cut across a fabric that is not at right angles to a side of the fabric
(geometry) a straight line connecting any two vertices of a polygon that are not adjacent
at an angle; especially connecting two nonadjacent corners of a plane figure or any two corners of a solid that are not in the same face; "a diagonal line across the page"
status established in order of importance or urgency; "...its precedence as the world's leading manufacturer of pharmaceuticals"; "national independence takes priority over class struggle"
add by mixing or blending on or attaching; "work in the butter and the dough will get the right consistency"; "In his speech, the presidential candidate worked in a lot of learned words"