Exact Match:
- liege
- city in eastern Belgium; largest French-speaking city in Belgium
- a feudal lord entitled to allegiance and service
- owing or owed feudal allegiance and service; "one's liege lord"; "a liege subject"
- ardent,
- bondmaid,
- bondman,
- bondslave,
- bondsman,
- bondswoman,
- boss,
- bwana,
- captive,
- chattel,
- chattel slave,
- chef,
- chief,
- church dignitary,
- churl,
- client,
- concubine,
- constant,
- creature,
- debt slave,
- dependent,
- ecclesiarch,
- elder,
- employer,
- feudal,
- feudatory,
- flunky,
- follower,
- galley slave,
- goodman,
- guru,
- hanger-on,
- helot,
- homager,
- husband,
- inferior,
- lackey,
- liege lord,
- liege man,
- liege subject,
- lord,
- lord paramount,
- loyal,
- master,
- minion,
- myrmidon,
- odalisque,
- overlord,
- padrone,
- paramount,
- paterfamilias,
- patriarch,
- patron,
- peon,
- rabbi,
- resolute,
- retainer,
- sahib,
- seigneur,
- seignior,
- serf,
- servant,
- servile,
- slave,
- starets,
- staunch,
- steadfast,
- stooge,
- subject,
- subordinate,
- subservient,
- teacher,
- theow,
- thrall,
- tributary,
- true,
- underling,
- understrapper,
- vassal,
- villein,
- yeoman