Exact Match:
- locate
- discover the location of; determine the place of; find by searching or examining; "Can you locate your cousins in the Midwest?"; "My search turned up nothing"
- assign a location to; "The company located some of their agents in Los Angeles"
- allocate,
- anchor,
- assign,
- base,
- billet at,
- bivouac,
- burrow,
- camp,
- chance upon,
- collocate,
- colonize,
- come across,
- come to anchor,
- deploy,
- determine,
- discover,
- dispose,
- domesticate,
- drop anchor,
- emplace,
- ensconce,
- establish,
- establish residence,
- find,
- find out,
- fix,
- get,
- get a fix,
- hit,
- hit upon,
- hive,
- home in on,
- hunt down,
- inhabit,
- install,
- invent,
- keep house,
- live at,
- localize,
- moor,
- move,
- navigate,
- nest,
- park,
- people,
- perch,
- pin down,
- pinpoint,
- place,
- populate,
- position,
- put in place,
- rediscover,
- relocate,
- reside,
- roost,
- run down,
- run to earth,
- set up,
- set up housekeeping,
- set up shop,
- settle,
- settle down,
- sit down,
- site,
- situate,
- spot,
- squat,
- stand,
- stay at,
- strike,
- strike root,
- take residence at,
- take root,
- take up residence,
- trace,
- trace down,
- track down,
- triangulate,
- turn up,
- unearth,
- zero in on