a commercial product that refills a container with its appropriate contents; "he got a refill for his ball-point pen"; "he got a refill for his notebook"
a prescription drug that is provided again; "he got a refill of his prescription"; "the prescription specified only one refill"
exercising caution or showing care or attention; "they were careful when crossing the busy street"; "be careful to keep her shoes clean"; "did very careful research"; "careful art restorers"; "careful of the rights of others"; "careful about one's behavior"
with care and dignity; "walking at the same measured pace"; "with all deliberate speed"
mindful of the future in spending money; "careful with money"
cautiously attentive; "careful of her feelings"; "heedful of his father's advice"
full of cares or anxiety; "Thou art careful and troubled about many things"-Luke 10.41
a section or portion of a journey or course; "then we embarked on the second stage of our Caribbean cruise"
a large platform on which people can stand and can be seen by an audience; "he clambered up onto the stage and got the actors to help him into the box"
a small platform on a microscope where the specimen is mounted for examination
the theater as a profession (usually `the stage'); "an early movie simply showed a long kiss by two actors of the contemporary stage"
any scene regarded as a setting for exhibiting or doing something; "All the world's a stage"--Shakespeare; "it set the stage for peaceful negotiations"
plan, organize, and carry out (an event); "the neighboring tribe staged an invasion"
perform (a play), especially on a stage; "we are going to stage `Othello'"
completely unclothed; "bare bodies"; "naked from the waist up"; "a nude model"
having everything extraneous removed including contents; "the bare walls"; "the cupboard was bare"
providing no shelter or sustenance; "bare rocky hills"; "barren lands"; "the bleak treeless regions of the high Andes"; "the desolate surface of the moon"; "a stark landscape"
lacking its natural or customary covering; "a bare hill"; "bare feet"
lacking a surface finish such as paint; "bare wood"; "unfinished furniture"
lay bare; "bare your breasts"; "bare your feelings"